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So, Hi all, it's been quite a while since I posted anything. RL and all that.

I posted this a while ago on the Gay Spiral Stories site. I hope you like it.




Remember, you came to me?


I asked you when you first came to my door, pale and sweaty with anticipation and need. I said to you “Are you certain?” and you nodded, tears in yours eyes. You had a hand full of money and your head full of desires and urges that you, in your state then had no way to fill.


You were small then, a tiny insignificant speck in a world that didn’t whether you lived or died. It didn’t care because it didn’t even acknowledge your tiny existence. You were a speck. Unloved, unnoticed and unimportant.


All your life you had wanted to be something more, something bigger. You had wanted to make your mark on the world and trumpet your cause, your existence. A purpose. You tried many things over the decades that brought you here. You joined social groups and went online to feed your desires. You met up in hotels and conferences and played all the games. You listened to all the tapes and read all the fantasies and stories you could.


You ate it all up and it sufficed, for a while.


Then the hunger caught you again, that gnawing, rapacious sensation. That void aching to be filled by…something. You didn’t know or care but you still sought it. It started to encroach on your every waking moment. It was merciless in it’s tenacity and you kept feeding it’s gaping maw.


Every day, every night you found little moments of pleasure. A clip here, a story there. Every day you continued to dig, to forage in your grubby little world of self-discovery and self-loathing in equal measure. You couldn’t help yourself. This obsession had taken you and you obeyed it’s whims and whiles willing.


One night, in the quiet dark times before the sun’s rays caressed your computer screen, where you were still poised like a techno hunter waiting for some fresh game to come along. You happened upon a link that brought to a site that brought you to another site, that provided a link that gave you a phone number that you eventually found an address. It brought you to me.


Do you remember what you said to me? How you begged? I told then it would have a cost. You said you would pay it, whatever it was. You said there was nothing in your life you weren’t prepared to give up willing for what I could give you.


With that stated I stared at you, sat there in the big chair by my fireside. I smiled at you and I’m sure the light from the fire’s glow was reflected in my eyes. You flinched a little at this. I smiled some more.


You told me of your life, quiet, horny and lonely. You told me what you had spent on your needs and wants and how much you were willing to spend. I could see you sat there in the firelight, a small bulge in your trousers expressing in a way without words how much your desires affected you. I asked you to give me details and made some cursory notes on a pad on the table. Not that I needed to of course. I already knew what you wanted. What you craved in the darkest moments of your most fevered dreams.


You wanted all the pain to go away. All the hurt and suffering in your life, all the want, all the need. All the guilt. You wanted to see the world through innocent eyes again, not to be so inside your head as you put it. You wanted a life more physical and less cerebral. A life where all your cares and woes would be washed away, gone. Just like that. A world where you hadn’t been bullied at school and been a bully in return when you went to college.


A world where you hadn’t been in a loveless, sterile marriage that had ended up just hurting the both of you because you hadn’t the nerve to admit what was really the problem. A world where you didn’t have any sordid little secrets and perversions that you thought would be held against you even though the world being what it was could really care less about you either way. You want a world where your dreams can come true, as I said. A world without pain, without suffering and without shame. A place for you to build a dream of lust and a place dedicated to your pleasure and your own needs. A selfish world to be sure. Not an impossible one. Many people do it but they do manage to pop out every now and again and remain a member of the human race. Not you. This is not what you want.


I steeple my fingers in the firelight and lean forward from the shadows my eyes glowing once more in the firelight.


“Are you ready ?” I asked you. You nodded meekly and swallowed hard.


“Then, let’s talk desire.” I smiled again.

I look at you now as see what and who you have become. Do you remember what you were when I had you sat before me when I said…


“Are you ready?” You nodded like a supplicant waiting for a blessing. You licked your dry lips and stared up at me through your weaselly, boiled egg, watering eyes. You swallowed the fear back in your mouth. The bravest thing you did and the thing that made me decide that maybe you were worth a second glance.


I stared deep into your soul and really saw the aching yearning desire you have. It was pure need and lust. You wanted to be freed of your mental and physical shackles but, ironically would be willing to taking on more bindings of a different sort. “I think then we may have an accord.” I said. My deep masculine voice reverberated around the room seeming to cause the flames in the fireplace to flicker slightly. You looked around nervously and then back at me as you wiped the sweat from your brow. I caught you hand quickly before you had a chance to bring it down again and trapped your fragile claw in my hard, calloused paw. It was as if you were a child, your hand was thin, frail and almost translucent it was so pale. Even though your pulse was erratic in fear I could feel your essence and knew that you were ripe for the change. I would be able to turn you easily.


“Stand.” I commanded. You did so swiftly and nervously with me still holding your hand. “Are you willing to serve? If I gift you as you wish so fervently will you serve me in return and pay my price?” “Y—es, Yes sir. Anything. Anything you ask.” You breathed.


“Take off your clothes.” I said in that same tone. You went pale and looked at me a moment as if trying to decided whether to flee the room back into the night where you had been only minutes before. You even glanced to the closed dark wooden door as if weighing up the odds before my strong arms clamped down on your shoulders preventing it. You stayed, not that I would ever have stopped you fleeing. You got this far on your own you must do the rest of it on your own too. You started to disrobe. First your light Jacket, as faded and worn as you were. Then your sweater and tie. Placed neatly on top of your Jacket. Then the inner vest that revealed the pale almost eel-like body underneath, barely any hair and perspiring in fear.


You undid your belt and then slipped off your brown loafers placing them under the chair. With that down you shuck your trousers revealing again the pale, slim body underneath. This left you in your socks and your baggy underwear. You paused a moment and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and nodded once at the underthings and you took off your socks and then your baggy briefs. You placed them very tidily on top of the pile and stood there shivering slightly in the warm room. You looked down at the floor and ashamed of yourself and covered your manhood with your small hands. I shook my head once hinting that you put your hands by your sides. You obeyed, revealing your manhood, your essence, your cock. It was surprising large. I know that you had used it well and often in your life, giving pleasure to your few real partners and eliciting surprise from the ones you paid for. This was the one thing in your life apart from your intelligence you could do something with. Your explorations into desire had taught you well.


This pleased me. I could feel that dark energy running through you. The essence of the man you wanted, no desperately needed to be. It was a good 7 inches in length and was cut as is the way in this country for many men. It had a good weight to it and despite your fear it had a small drop of pre-cum just peeping from the little slit. A seed of the dream to come maybe. This would all be up to you.


“Turn around. “ I said. Taking in your slumped shoulders and back. Your almost flat buttocks and stick-like legs finished off the picture. I placed my hands on your shoulders, you could feel the strength in them, the roughness of them and the heat radiating from the palms. You stopped shuddering. I placed my lips close to your left ear and you could feel my breath and felt my chest, shirtless as it was pressed against your back. I know you had a hard on in that moment. I could feel your heartbeat quicken and felt your lust and need grow quickly. This was good, this was fuel for the fire. On that thought I whispered in you ear.


“Throw you clothes on the fire.” “See them burn and realise this is the end of the person you are now at this moment. By the time they are consumed so will you be.” You picked up your clothes and shoes and walked to the blazing hearth. Slowly piece by piece, one by one you dropped them into the opening. The firelight reflecting off your skin and your erection never receding.


We stood there in silence for a moment looking into the flames as they consumed your former life. “Come back to me and turn to the fire.” I said. You complied and turned once more to stare into the flickering, golden firelight. I came up close behind you once more dropping my own garments and standing behind you totally naked. I towered above you. Thick, strong and massively muscular.


“Stare deep into the flames.” I whispered. “And place your hands on your cock.” I commanded you again. “I want you to see yourself. See yourself within the fire. Imagine it holds the key to your dreams and needs. It can grant you all you desire and so much more, but you have to want it.”


I called your name quietly as you gazed rapt and entranced by the dancing fingers of fire. Red, yellow, blue and light. All the colours flickered and reflected on your body. “See the change. Do you see it?” I asked. “Yes…I see it.” Came your quiet reply. So far away and distant but certain. “All you have to do is bring it out of the fire.” I said. “Let the heat come to you, draw it into yourself and become one with it.” I said. You continued to stare and I heard your breath catch for a moment. You were ready. I reached down and grabbed my own impressive cock. “Now I think we’re ready.” I said as I spat into my hand and rubbed it on my hardened member. It’s 10 thick, glistening ready and willing. “Lean forward.” I said. “Change is pain boy.” My voice dropped even more and became darker. “And this is gonna hurt.” I plunged my cock into your tight, unyielding hole. I know that it almost felt like it was tearing you in two but it didn’t. You felt both the pain and pleasure of it. This was what you wanted, what you needed and desired above all else. This was the price. You screamed into the hand I had placed around your mouth, the other on your shoulder as I slowly drew out again before slamming back in once more, up to the hilt leaving you with my entire cock inside you. I paused for a second and then repeated the same movement. I stared to get a rhythm slowing deep dicking you there in front of the fire. You screamed and whimpered into my hand and I know you were hard as steel. Your own cock now drooling it’s own precious juices.


“Bring it into you.” I said as I rammed into you again. “Bring the change.” I said louder. “Embrace the change.” I shouted as I pummelled your arse. In and out, ramming your rapidily slackening hole. Ruining it for lesser men. “Take this fuck and become who you have always wanted to be. “ “Tell me what and who you are.” I demanded, never letting up. In and out, in and out. pistoning like a crazy engine. “I’m a big, stupid muscle whore!” You whispered. “WHAT ARE YOU!” I shouted in your ear as I felt you begin to change. I felt your back changed first, filling up and out as you were bent over letting me fuck you. It broadened, unfolding like a sail. “Nhhhhhgghhh….” You groaned as the back broaden into a monstrous almost u shape it was so wide. “I…..I’M arrgggghhh.” You moaned as your shoulders sprouted like mountains from your back. They were like titanic carved boulders, a mountain range that met in the middle at the Everest monument that were your Traps. They were magnificent. I gripped them hard almost biting down on them as you neck thickened too. It grew thick and wide enough that if you flexed which you were doing it would be thicker than your head. Your traps rising almost to your ears. “WHAT ARE YOU?” I rammed you mercilessly now, slamming your growing and tightening butt. I was get rounder and harder at the same time. I could feel you getting used to the invasion that I was committing to your hole. It felt amazing. I could feel myself getting near. “I A….BIG…Nrghh STUPID…WH…argh….FUCK ME! You scream as I ploughed you. Your desire feeding mine now as you began to push back against my thrusts as if born to do this. I could feel you grow taller, your legs rapidly thickening. Beautiful sweeps and shapes. Carved granite trunks that could snap a tree branch with ease and perfect rounded calves. All the muscle cut and carved to perfection your feet growing in size to accommodate the growth above. “WHAT ARE YOU?” I screamed now. Slamming into you with abandon as I knew the final phase of the physical transformation was coming. Your chest and abdomen had built themselves up. The pecs were beyond human shelves of muscle. They were so big that the perfect, rounded, thick, juicy nipples had to point down as the mass of them had nowhere else to go. The abs were inhuman to look at. Thick, hard, ridged muscle cut it’s way across you midriff. Beautiful obliques and then serratus muscle standing out in perfect contrast leading to a perfect Adonis belt at the top of a thick muscular waist that was able to support the sheer massive construct of flesh above it. “I’M A BIG, STUPID MUSCLE WHORE!” You bellowed in deep voice that brought me over the edge. I came inside you, I rammed you almost in a rage as I shot, load after load and spurt after spurt of cum into your warm, receptive hole. Sealing the physical transformation you had so desired.


I pulled out of you, both of us panting like bulls and sweating like them too. I could hear your deep voice as you groaned. I grabbed a towel from the side and walked over to you. “We’re not finished.” I said. “I don’t understand.” You said as you stood up, sweat glistened off your still pale body. Your face and hair were unchanged and look at odds with the physique you had sculpted for yourself. You were looking at yourself in awe and pleasure. You kept touch and flexing, catching your reflection in the mirror over the mantle. “I still feel the desire.” I said, my voice darker. “I…I…This is fine.” You stammered in your masculine timbre. “Not so.” I said putting my hands either side of your face. Drawing you close and kissing your mouth. My bearded chin and lips roughly scratching at your skin.” “MMMffff” You said against the invasion of my tongue. You realised what was about to happen. This was the price you had to pay.


Your skin began to darken, to become the hue of a man who works outside. Warm and weathered. Thick veins started to thread themselves across your body, especially on your shoulders, traps, biceps and most of all your forearms which were a monstrous construction. Almost beyond human in the girth and vascularity. Your legs were symphony of criss cross veins. Bulging out with every moment, each muscle group and striation screaming to be seen through the paper like skin. With the tan and the veins came the hair. You were a mousy brown-haired man no longer. Slowly each hair started to change colour and new patches grew on your body as I continued to kiss you. You began to kiss me back, to explore my mouth with your tongue. Probing and suddenly eager. Your beard started to grow out, thicken after a good few moments into a nice lumberjack style beard. The hair on your head started to fall out slowly as the rest of your body grew more thick, beautiful red hair. Your beard, chest and legs as well as your armpits and balls all had a covering of thick red hair. Your shiny bald dome was the only contrast.


You were moaning into my mouth now, almost trying to fuck my mouth with your tongue. I could feel you jacking yourself off, you hadn’t cum yet and that was the part I was waiting for. I pushed back with my tongue for a second and your face changed. It crumpled almost. Re-arranging itself. The brow got much thicker making the eyes seem deeper set. They were transforming from the dull puddles they were into beautiful bright green gems that glinted seductively from their deep sockets.The nose appeared to be slightly crooked as if broken but it seems at home in the square jaw and firm chin that it was now set in the middle of. The lips were sensuous and still perfectly manly, especially as you were still trying to rape my mouth with your tongue.


You were close now, groaning and masturbating furiously as I pulled away from your mouth. Streams of saliva dripping between us as we separated. “Huh—hhuuuh uh uh” You panted. You wanted release but needed me to let you go. I smiled and turned you towards a large mirror in the corner of the room. You saw the monument of a creature you had become. You were flailing mercilessly at your eager cock as it too began to grow. It thickened and lengthened in your hands to the point where you put both your meaty paws on it. You thrashed it back and forth like a lunatic pre-cum flying everywhere. Your balls dropped again and hung thick and pendulous below your cock and your voice deepened even more as you groaned in desperate need for release. “Huh….uuuhhh..” You groaned rocking back and forth back and forth. You stared at me in the mirror unable to speak and the only thoughts were of your need. I stood behind you. I smiled and then I whispered in your ear again.


“Pay the price.” I said oh so quietly. “Tell me what you are.”


"Gnnnngrahhhhhhhh” You bellowed with your entire soul. You didn't need to "say" anymore. You never would again.


Your fire-hose cock started to jerk and bounce as your huge firm balls contracted and you began to spurt hot, thick,cum. Shot after shot at the mirror you were staring at. Totally enraptured by the red headed god in the mirror. You seemed to lose your voice as it became only grunts. All you felt was your need. You didn’t have room for anything else. All your knowledge, all those years of study and work. All the years of disappointment and yearning, All the years of wandering and longing. All those memories now gone. You shot out every part of the you that walked in the door. Each pump of cum was also a handful of I.Q. Not that you realised or even cared for that matter, so in love with the muscled bull in the mirror.


You got what you wanted.

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"I could feel that dark energy running through you. The essence of the man you wanted, no desperately needed to be." 

HOT. brainwashed, stupid and hulking out with hard, striated, veiny, obscenely huge muscle. fuckslave

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