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  1. Era de mañana en el diario "El Clarín", en una de sus oficinas se encontraba Peter Parker, un chico castaño de 27 años de edad, medía 1.85 y pesaba 90 kgs. de músculo, estéticamente bien distribuido, traía puesta esa mañana una camisa blanca que se ajustaba bien a su anatomía atlética, pero sin ser demasiado llamativo, la camisa se ajustaba bien en su pecho y bíceps, también llevaba un pantalón negro de vestir y un calzado del mismo color, bien lustrado, el cuello de su camisa desabotonado solo para permitirle respirar bien y no sofocarse, pues el viaje matutino usando sus poderes para llegar al diario había sido bastante veloz, tomó las mangas de la camisa y las arremangó para dejar descubiertos sus antebrazos mientras tomaba un folder con fotos de Spiderman, se sonrió entre sí. Estos meses habían sido importantes para él, encontró un traje alien que lo había mejorado por completo, le dió más velocidad, agilidad, fuerza, músculos, y sobre todo un crecimiento en su virilidad que él en un principio no podía creer, aún recordaba cuando solo medía 1.75 y pesaba solo 70kgs., era sorprendente lo que unos meses con el traje le habían hecho, de tener un pedazo de solo 16 cms. de virilidad en erección pasó a tener un monstruo de 25 cms. No dejaba de ver sus fotos, apaleando maleantes la noche anterior, era magnífico, pensaba en el puesto que estaba compitiendo en ese momento como fotógrafo de planta, el otro hombre definitivamente no tenía oportunidad, dió un sorbo a su café mientras seguía sentado y vió la puerta de entrada de la oficina. Llegó alguien, justamente el hombre que no tenía oportunidades contra Parker, era nada más y nada menos que su compañero de oficina, Eddie Brock. Eddie era ya un hombre de 37 años de edad, a pesar de ser mayor en edad que Peter, se veía más joven, era rubio, de cabello corto, facciones joviales, ojos azules y totalmente lampiño, la vida no le había favorecido, nunca tuvo oportunidad de ejercitarse, ni hacer dietas u otro tipo de cosas debido a su físico, medía tan solo 1,65 cms de alto y pesaba tan solo 60kgs., definitivamente no imponía de ninguna forma, todo mundo le pasaba por encima y últimamente alguien en especial. El pobre Eddie llegó agitado y sudando a la oficina, con su maletín color café a un lado. Eddie estaba vestido con una camisa de color azul cielo que resaltaba aquellos ojos suyos, un pantalón café y calzado del mismo color, todo se hubiera visto bien de no ser por que todo le quedaba grande, a excepción del calzado, la camisa le colgaba de los laterales, y ni que decir de los hombros y las mangas, daba la impresión de que un niño se había vestido con la ropa de su padre, debido a ello nunca tuvo oportunidad de ligar con alguien en su vida. Mientras aún respiraba de manera agitada veía a Parker bastante fresco y seguro de su persona. Eddie se cuestionaba cómo era posible que Parker estaba así si vivía más lejos que él del trabajo, a pesar de tener cierto recelo al castaño, lo saludó ... - Hola, buenos días Parker - Se oyó su voz algo aguda, parecía la voz de un joven de 15 años. - ¿Cómo le haces para llegar antes que yo, si yo vivo más cerca? Peter lo miró de reojo y sonriendo mientras tomaba su café, le dijo: - Por que me levanto más temprano que tú, "amiguito". Eddie miró a Parker, notó que el castaño había mejorado mucho su físico en los últimos meses, sabía que eso no era normal en una persona, además Eddie siempre peleaba por entrar en el bus de la primera hora, mínimo debería que ver a Parker en el transporte o llegar al mismo tiempo si es que Peter tomaba el bus de otra ruta. Eddie terminó por mejor dejar de pensar en ello y se metió al baño para refrescarse un poco, aún así no podía dejar de sentirse frustrado, al salir vio al Sr. Jameson hablando con Peter y solo dijo él: - Hola Sr ... Jameson y Parker vieron al rubio de reojo y siguieron en su plática ... si, literalmente lo habían ignorado. Parker le mostró al jefe sus fotos de Spiderman, Jameson quedó satisfecho como siempre con aquellas fotografías, las tomó y se fue sin decir nada, Peter vio al rubio de nuevo ... -Vaya, de nuevo se te fue el avión del éxito " amiguito ". - El castaño volvió a tomar su café y a darle un sorbo mientras se recargaba en el rubio y lo veía como poca cosa - No te preocupes Eddie, siempre debe haber un segundón para que el primer lugar brille más y descuida, cuando me den el puesto , serás mi "asistonto", te lo aseguro. El rubio apretó su puño y saco su hombro del contacto de Parker para después tomar su maletín y probar suerte en la ciudad por unas fotografías. Peter solo lo vió: -Bye "pequeñín". Oye cuando vuelvas de pasear tráeme un café ... - El castaño sonrió mientras veía salir al rubio -Pobre Eddie, casi me da pena el pobre, pero bueno, no puede competir con un súper hombre como yo ... Parker se quedó de ocioso en la oficina mientras esperaba que fuera más tarde para la hora de la comida, total, al final sabía que en la noche tomaría sus fotos, mientras tanto cuando Eddie salía ... - Maldito parker, su actitud ha cambiado , es un pedante ahora- murmuraba el rubio mientras iba a su lugar secreto dentro del diario, era un cubículo abandonado y muy reducido, solo tenía espacio para una silla y unas cuantas cosas, Eddie entró y activó su radio clandestino de la policía mientras seguía pensando en Parker - solo por que ha cambiado su físico y tiene suerte con las fotos me trata así. Ya se había hecho tarde y Parker tenía hambre ya: - ¡Maldición Brock !, ¡¿Dónde te metiste?!, Sabes que quiero mi comida a cierta hora, maldito enano. - Peter salió de la oficina bastante enojado y se dirigió a la calle para comprar algo y así calmar su apetito, ya pudiendo comprar algo se tranquilizó un poco, pero seguía molesto debido a que aún consumiendo lo que había comprado, su hambre no desaparecía. - Comí demasiado y aún tengo hambre, no lo entiendo, ¡¿Por qué me está pasando esto ?! - El castaño empezaba a enfadarse más, pero en ese momento comenzó a activarse su sentido arácnido. - Sí, lo que me faltaba- se fue a un callejón oscuro y metió su ropa de civil en una bolsa de telaraña -Vamos a perseguir a los chicos malos y a tomar fotos. Mientras tanto Brock salía a toda prisa, escuchó sobre un asalto a un banco cercano y salió disparado del diario, directo a la acción. Al salir vió al mismo tiempo a Spiderman ir hacia la escena del crimen, no era lejos, Brock corrió lo más deprisa que podía, pero llegó demasiado tarde, al estar ya en el lugar solo vio cómo Spiderman salía de escena y varios criminales envueltos en telaraña, pegados a los postes de luz, el rubio se sintió fatal, otra escena de acción se le había escapado. - Maldición, así no lograré nada. Tomó fotos de lo que podía y regresó al diario lo más pronto que pudo, tenía en mente lograr ofrecer sus fotos antes de que Parker apareciera, aunque era muy raro, Peter nunca estaba en la escena y aún así conseguía fotos. Al llegar a la oficina se sorprendió, Parker ya estaba ahí, entregándole varias fotos a Jameson. Brock veía como su oportunidad se desvanecía mientras el jefe entraba a su oficina con Peter detrás de él, el pequeño rubio solo se sentó en su escritorio bastante agitado de tanto correr y entonces ... -¡¡¡Brock !!! Parker gritó como si fuera el jefe al entrar en su oficina compartida, mientras que el rubio solo lo veía con enfado y Parker cerraba de un portazo el lugar y Eddie lo cuestionó. -No sé cómo le haces ... Tú estabas aquí en la oficina y vuelves con fotos y no estás cansado ... - Peter se acercaba poco a poco a Brock que aún seguía agitado, pero confrontándolo, el rubio no sabía si eso era una buena idea o no, pero ya lo estaba haciendo. -¡¿Qué quieres Parker ?! -¡¿Qué quiero?! - Parker sonrió con algo de burla, y así tomó del cuello de la camisa con ambas manos a Brock, levantándolo del suelo, mientras el rubio veía como los pectorales, bíceps y antebrazos del castaño se tensaban en la camisa. - Esas no son maneras de contestarle a tu futuro jefe .- Parker acercó su cara a la del rubio - ¡¿Porqué olvidaste mi comida, maldito enano ?! -¿Cu ... cuál comida ?, No me pe ... pe ... pediste na..nada, solo un café... si regresaba, pero ... - ¡Cállate !, Deja de balbucear como estúpido , sabes que si te pido algo tienes que traer eso y más, en todo caso no me trajiste ¡Nada !, Eso no es de buenos amigos. ¿Oh si? Pequeño charal sudoroso. Las venas del antebrazo de Parker estaban dilatadas debido al tiempo de mantener suspendido al rubio. - Tú ... Tú no eras así .... ¿Que te pasó? - Dijo el rubio algo asustado y triste mientras el semblante de Parker cambiaba de ser agresivo a estar algo fuera de sí, soltando a Brock y dejándolo caer al suelo. - Yo ... Yo ..., Vete por comida y no tardes - El castaño le lanzó billetes en la cara a Brock - Hazlo ya ... Después de eso el rubio se arrastró por el suelo, tomó el dinero y salió disparado de la oficina, pero aún le temblaban algo las piernas. - Maldito Parker. ¿Qué se creé el idiota? No, mejor no lo hago enojar más, no se qué más me podría hacer - El rubio vuelve con una ensalada y pechuga de pollo asada, no había tardado nada en verdad. - Ahí tienes Parker, que te aproveche.- Eddie no pudo evitar decirlo con un tono algo desafiante. - Ya era hora - Mientras tanto Peter no prestó atención al tono de Brock, estaba tan hambriento que solo le importaba la comida, el rubio de lejos veía cómo Peter comía, parecía ansioso y desesperado, como un animal salvaje, incluso soltaba unos cuantos gruñidos , así que prefirió salir e ir al baño, mientras tanto solo pensaba en la conducta de Parker durante los últimos meses, se dirigió al baño del piso, abrió la puerta y se dirigió a uno de los mingitorios. Desenfundó su pedazo de carne, solo medía 8 cms., Y eso si fuera erecto, en reposo solo eran 5 cms, así es, el rubio era pequeño hasta en eso. Mientras orinaba y sentía pena por si mismo oyó abrirse la puerta del baño, para su desgracia era nada más y nada menos que Peter que lo observaba, el castaño comenzó a olfatear, cómo si oliera algo en el ambiente y mientras hacía eso su pantalón de vestir marcaba la gran erección de Parker, el pedazo caliente de 25 cms. de su entrepierna, estaba al máximo. - Aaaaahhhh- el castaño parecía apreciar algún olor. - Aquí huele ... - Dijo el castaño acercándose a Brock. -¿Qué quieres decir con eso? - Eddie guardó su falo y subió la bragueta de su pantalón, tenía un presentimiento y pensaba mejor salir lo antes posible de aquel lugar. - Seguro es el baño, está mal lavado, saldré y le diré al personal del aseo. Parker se acercó al rubio y lo tomó con bastante fuerza. - ¡Eres tú! ... ¡Tú apestas! - Parker volvió a cargar al rubio como lo había hecho ya hace rato y empezó a frotar su gran erección en la entrepierna de Eddie mientras al mismo tiempo le oprimía su pequeña hombría. -Quieres ser preñado.- El rubio estaba acorralado y se sintió indefenso, no podía ocultar su rostro de preocupación. -Parker, si ... si ... huelo así es por qué corrí mu ... mucho hoy ... Me pondré des ... desodorante para no mo ... molestarte ... - Tú quieres ser preñado- Parker parecía un animal salvaje que no razonaba. - ¡¿Preñarme?!, ¡¿A qué te refieres ?! Parker soltó a Brock pero solo para tomarlo fuertemente por la cintura. -Sabes que necesitas un macho, pequeña perra.- El castaño empezaba a merodear con su mano de forma lasciva el cuerpo del rubio aún por encima de la ropa de éste, la mano de Peter empezaba a deslizarse hacia la pelvis de Eddie, casi por tocar su hombría, pero en ese momento Parker se detuvo . - No ... No ... Esto no está bien ... No ... - Peter soltó al rubio de inmediato y salió rápidamente del baño. Eddie sudaba frío, solo en el baño, pegado a la pared aún, traumatizado, se sintió débil y frágil, sus piernas no dejaban de temblar, era la primera vez que alguien intentaba violarlo, solo pudo encogerse y quedarse en estado fetal en el piso de aquel baño.
  2. Important note : this story is based on the adult version of Link (19 years old). Link was looking items in shopkeeper. 10 bombs for 10 Rupees...a wood shield for 20 Rupees... 3 hearts for 10 Rupees... a bow arrow for... 980 Rupees ??? Shit !! It was very cheap ! And... a kind of black purple potion for....... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT ???????????? ....... 999,999,999 RUPEES ?????!!!!!! HOLY SHIT ! Why ? Why this potion was so CHEAP ??? It had to be VERY important for this price !!! Ok.... So.... Link looked to right then to left. Ok, never he could pay this but .. there was another way, thought Link with a little malicious smile. He took the potion, do a turn around of shopkeeper who try to follow him from regard and go out when the shopkeeper didn't look him. "Guess what ? You got it for free. Are you proud of yourself ?" said the shopkeeper, very angry. Link was very impatient to try it. It had to be very very very important seen the price. It looked like a black purple liquid. He opened the vial and drank it in one gulp. BEEUUUUUUUUUURRRKKKKK, the taste was very horrible. Link didn't see it but he shone of a purple aura for a few moments. And now ? What was it supposed to do ? Link waited few minutes but... nothing. All for this ? 999999999 Rupees for this ? It was a joke ? Link was very disappointed, this shopkeeper was really a scammer... Well, it was the time to go on adventure ! Today, he had to retrieve a crystal in a dungeon near of the vilage. After some jumps above holes and some moblins, Link arrived in front of the entrance of the dungeon which was blocked by rocks; Link approached and tried to lift it. He became all red : it was so heavy and shit, of course it was heavy, he forgot to wear his power bracelet, which allow him to lift heavy things, like thse rocks. Link put his bracelet and lifted rocks without any efforts. He entered in the dungeon. Inside, he noticed quickly one thing : Malice. It was a black purple substance which was appeared recently and it wasn't any better to touch it because it hurt like hell. After some rooms, Link entered in a room with a chest and 3 Moblins. Few sword blows later, Link opened the chest and found a map. Mmmmhh, apparently in the previous room, there is a breakable wall. Effectively, Link saw a wall with several cracks. He posed a bomb and stepped back. BOOOOOOM. Now there was a big hole in the wall. In the new room, Link found a special chest, probably with the key of the boss room but before there was a little ravine. Link tried to pass it but unfortunately, he had jumped too short. Link yelled while he fell. There was a good and a bad news. The good news : the ravine was not deep. The bad news : Link fell directly... in a puddle of Malice ! Shit ! Shit shit shit shit shit ! No no no no no no no !!!! Link closed his eyes, it was going to hurt. SPLAAAAAAAAASSSHHHH ! He fell right in. Link expected to be in pain but... nothing. Even, he felt like a small sensation of heat or like if he was charged. He heard also like a suction noise. Link opened his eyes and saw the puddle shrink, again and again, until it disappears. What ? What happened ? Usually, it hurts so bad when he touched the Malice but here it felt... good ? And why the puddle shrunk ? It was like he was... absorbing the Malice ? Link was worried, it's was normal. But after all maybe this Malice was defective. Yes, that must have been it. Link went up and jumped above the ravine. He opened the chest : YES, it was the key of the boss room. Link saw there was mini boss room on the way. He entered in room : it was a smasher mini-boss. It was a monster who launched a ball. Link had to lift this ball and launch it on him for defeat him. Link put his power bracelet but the Smasher reached the ball, lifted it and launched it on Link, who dodged. Link ran towards the ball, lifted it and threw it on the Smasher. He repeated this operation until the Smasher was defeated. Link headed towars the boss room. In the room before the boss, Link found another puddle of Malice. He wanted to ignore it but he was really curious after the last time. He hesitated a moment and finally took the decision to test again. After all, he could heal him if he needed. He approached his shaking hands of the puddle. Was he sure ? Really ? ...And then fuck, curiosity was too much. Link touched the puddle with his hands and began to feel again this sensation of heat, of energy. And another thing surprised him : it was like if his hands... absorbed the Malice, like a sponge. He plunged his hands in the puddle an started to moan. Fuck, it didn't hurt, no, in contrary, it felt... good. Ten of seconds later, Link had absorbed all the puddle. Shit, he didn't know why he did this but fuck, this feeling... it was too fucking good. And he didn't why but he felt him like energized. Well, it was time to face the boss. It was Moldorm, a simple boss, he just had to avoid it. Link hit him and Moldorm accelerated. Link was able to avoid it and again he hit him. Again, Moldorm accelerated. But Link got stuck in a corner of the platform when Moldorm charged on him. He didn't know why but Link jumped on the side and he seemed him he jumped more high. Some hits later, Moldorm was defeated. Link entered in the next room and recoved the cristal. He came back at the village after this good day of work. Link loved this village, it was a quiet place. On the way of his house, he crossed Max. It was one of his neighbours. He was the same age. He had light-brown hair and brown hair and seemed very happy when he saw Link. And Link also was happy when he saw Max. "Hello Link, what do you do today ?" asked Max. And Link told him his day. The only thing he didn't tell was his weird experience with Malice. "Whoa ! You has beaten a Moldorm ?" exclaimed Max. He loved listen Link tell his daily adventures and Link loved to tell at Max. He doesn't know why but he had always liked Max, he had something of... special. Tired of his journey, Link undressed for to go sleep. He passed in front of the mirror and he stopped. There is something of weird, he had always been skinny but here he seemed more... ripped ? It was very slight but yes, he seemed as he had a good workout session. It was weird but maybe he had just not noticed. Link went to bed. The next mornning, Link felt him in a great shape and it was and so much the better : he had a new cristal to recover. Inside the dungeon, Link defeated ennemies of the first room and found the map in the chest. Ok, there is a key in this room but before he had to pass a ravine. Link defeated ennemies and was on the edge of the ravine. He jumped but instantly he remembered he needed boots of pegasus for to pass it. Shit shit shit he was going to fall but... weirdly, he arrived to pass the ravine WITHOUT the boots. Weird, very weird, he was sure than he wasn't able to do this but however, he did it. Link took the key and came back towards the entrance of the dungeon. Again, he passed the ravine. Definitely, it was weird, like if he could jump further. But he had done nothing special... or not ! Suddenly, Link remember his experience with the Malice. Is it possible that it could be the cause ? Perhaps... there was only one way for to know it : he will absorb the next pool of Malice ! Link continued and arrived at the mini boss room but the way was blocked by two boulders. It was too heavy for to be lift without his power bracelets; He put it, lifted one of boulders and threw it further then he entered in mini boss room. This time, it was a well know ennemy : Blaino. It was a boxer and his punch did really hurt. The fight started, Link give few sword strokes but released his attention and it was the moment where Blaino used his mega punch. He hit Link in his midsection and sent him at the entrance of dungeon. Shit, it hurts so bad. Link returned in the mini boss room and this time he defeated Blaino. He never liked this ennemy. He continued and noticed a breakable wall in the next room. He took a bomb and explosed the wall. And YES ! In this room, there was a chest on a platform and around a pool of Malice. Under normal circumstances, it would be a trap but not today. Link looked the Malice : was he sure ? Did he want that ? Oh fuck yeah he wanted it ! Link plunged in the Malice's pool. Instantly, Link felt the familiar feeling, more intense than previously. He began to gasp loduly and watched his hands... and he saw something : his hands seemed ... to grow ? He wasn't sure but.... yes, yes, his hands was growing !! Oh fuck, the feeling was so good. And it wasn't just his hands, his whole body seemed to grow. Fuuuuuuuck !! Link weared a blue suit with a stealth armor. Quickly, he could feel that his clothes seemed tight. He watched his biceps and yes, he could see the muscle pushed against the fabric. His biceps bulged, and bulged, and bulged until suddenly... *riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* Tears started to appear. Link looked with amazement his new biceps and flexed it several times. But it was not all : Link could feel a huge pressure in his chest, especially in his abs and pecs. Again, Link could feel his clothes became more tight; But suddenly he heard also an other thing : stretch metal noises. Link looked down and what he saw left him speechless : usually, this armor was flat and adapted perfectly to his body, but here, Link could see bumps appear, six for to be exact and two bigger above. It was very slight at the beginning but soon, bumps became clearly visible. Growth continued during few minutes then it stopped. Link couldn't stop himself to flex his biceps. It wasn't the skinny arms he always had but a good muscular gun. He was also curious by this chest, he removed his armor and looked under his shirt and HOLY FUCK ! He had abs ! A nice set of six boulders. He passed his hands on them and gosh, it felt hard. Yes now, it was sure : it was the Malice. And he was taller too, 6.6 feet. Link put again his armor. He jumped on the platform and shit ! He jumped on several feet. He opened the chest and took the boss key. He came back in the previous room and he stopped in front of the boulders. An idea trough him : was he able to lift this boulder without his power bracelets ? Link placed his hands under the boulder and tried to lift it. No surprise, it was heavy and Link clenched his teeths but... he lifted, inch by inch this boulder. Yes, he was able to lift it without his power bracelets. Fuuuuuuuck this exploit made him very horny. He continued and was in front of a big ravine, more longer than the previous. Logically he should have to use his grapnel but here, he stepped back, ran then jumped. He was surprised himself by his jump ! He reached without problem the other side. Fuuuuuuuuuck ! In the next room, he found another breakable wall. He wanted to take a bomb but.... SHIT ! His bag was empty ! Shit ! Then an idea trough his mind. He looked his fist, opened it, closed it, opened it, closed it. He felt him strong, no... he WAS strong. He could lift big boulders without his power bracelets ! So maybe he could... Link looked the wall, clenched his fist and hit it. "BAAAAAAMM !" The wall was hard but he could do it ! "BAAAAAAMM !" And again... "BAAAAAAMM !" This time, Link could see cracks become wider. Fuck yeah ! A few more hits and... "BAAAAAAMM !" Again, cracks became wider. "BAAAAAAMM !" Few pieces fell of the wall. Again a little effort and... "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM !" The wall crumbled into dozens of pieces ! Link had destroyed a wall with bare hands ! Fuuuuuuuuuck ! He was so powerful ! Finally, Link arrived at the boss room. It was a kind of reptile with a mask; Usually, Link had to be use bomb or hammer but Link hadn't no bombs and hammer, well... he had to bypass this room (after all he had bypass a good part of the dungeon). But..; he didn't matter : if he could destroyed a wall with his fist why not... a mask ? Link approached of the reptile, who spat out a fire ball. Link dodged, one time, two times, three times and then he arrived in front of the Helmasaur. Here he clenched his fist and punched the reptile in his face with all his might. Cracks appeared on the mask. The Helmasaur was very surprised : it wasn't not the usual battle...Link punched him a second time. Cracks became really big : third time would be the last. Link punched him a last time and the mask literally exploded in hundred of pieces. The Helmasaur looked him badly, with a swollen cheek but Link didn't give her time to react : he jumped and punched it in the green crital in the forehead of the reptile. Again cracks appeared and this time it was sufficient for to defeat the monster. Gosh ! Link didn't believe in what he had just done : he defeat a boss only bare hands. He recovered the cristal and came back on the village. In the village, he crossed some people, who looked him weirdly but said anything. Usually, Link didn't like to workout but in the dungeon, use this amazing strength was so orgasmic... so he went out the village and looked after two similar big boulders and finally found what he was looking for. Nggggggnnnnhh ! It was heavy but he could lift it. Link brought them back in the village. Again, he crossed some people who were speechless in seeing what he wore. He brought back the second boulder and tried to find a big iron bar then he made dumbbels. Ok, let's go ! Link started to lift his dumbbell; Fuck it was heavy but he could do it ! At each rep he groaned and was horny to think what he lifted. Yesterday, he won't be able to move one of them and now he was lifting two in same time ! Today it was a sunny day and Link had very warm, so he removed his armor and clothes... all clothes. Fuuuuuuuuck, he didn't notice the size of his dick, even his member had grown ! After several ten of minutes Link tried another exercice. He started to do push up... but after one hundred, it was really too easy. So he hardened the exercice in adding a boulder on his back. It was harder but after 50 repetitions, it was not enough harder ! So Link added the other boulder. This time, it was hard ! Link groaned at each rep. He began also to sweat. Then Link did squats in weraing a boulder, he did 200 repetitions. Then he did sit ups but after 500 reeptitions, he bored so he retrieved his dumbbell. Max had just returned home. He asked himself where was Link, he didn't see of the day. Max went at the home of Link, he was about to enter when he heard moans... no, it was more groans. What the... ? It wasn't normal ! Link had maybe problems ! He entered and said "Link ? What are...". Max froze and widened his eyes. What... the...fuck ? In front of him there was a people, with the face of Link yes but... his body ?! Link was skinny but this person was... so fucking muscular ! It was really Link ? What the fuck happened to him ? "Link......what....what the fuck....happened....to you ????". Link looked Max, afraid during one second but quickly smiled. He dropped his dumbbell which fell heavily on the ground. Link was here, smiling, gasping, covered by sweat and his muscles flexed to the rhythm of his breathing. Max was instantly horny, even in his wildest dreams he hadn't even imagined that; Gosh, he loved already Link bu here, he was the most sexiest thing he had seen of his life. Max approached and watched Link chest, completely in trance. Mechanically he put down his hand on his sixpack and began to caress (and cumming in same time, a wet patch could be seen on his short) before to realize of what he did. "Shit so...so...so...sorry...I...I didn't want..." said Max in removing his hand and closing his eyes, scared than Link took that badly. But suddenly he felt a strong hand take his hand and... slowy posed his hand on hard bumps. Max opened his eyes, looked up and saw Link who smiled and nodded of his head. Max hesitated few moments then... he threw him on Link. His hands were everywhere : he felt ridge and valleys of Link's abs, he felt his pecs, his nipples, his shoulders, his biceps/triceps. He felt each bulges, each veins. Then he began to kiss the amazing muscular chest of Link and lick him. Gosh, his sweat tasted so fucking good ! Then he felt strong hands of Link take him by his waist and Link lifted him for to bring him in front of his face. And the moment that Max waited since forever happened : Link kissed him. He couldn't describe what he felt at this moment, it was like thousands explosions of pleasure. They started a dance of tongue then slowy Link walked towards his bed. He posed delicately Max, sit down on his knees and started to tear his clothes. In few seconds Max was fully naked. Link laid down on Max. Shit through Max, fortunately that Link had mattress, he wasn't sure he could support his amazing weight. And they retrieved their session of kiss and carres, Link passed his hands in Max's hairs, felt his neck, his shoulders and arms. On the side of Max, he passed his hands in amazing blond hairs of Link, felt his muscular neck, his traps, his rounded shoulders, he carresed his magnificient biceps and ran his vein, his caressed his pecs, played with his nipples, felt the hardness of his sixpack. They continued like that during some minutes then Link broke the kiss, took Max and returned him on his belly. Usually Max loved dominate but here he was totally overwhelmed, Link was a god, a muscle god. Max sunk into the mattress when Link laid down on him; He felt his enormous dick at the entrance of his ass, but Link waited before to enter, he licked and kissed the back of Max, who enjoyed each second of this magical moment. Then at given time, Max felt an enormous feeling through him : Link began to enter into him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!" he yelled. Shit, oh shit, oh shit shit shit ! It was more than all he could expected, but it was so FUCKING GOOD ! "NNNNNNGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he moaned while Link was sinking deeper. Max started to gasp quickly. "Oh fuck.......fuck........FUCK......you can't........know.....how........FUCKING GOOD.........it is !!... OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" he yelled because Link, again, was sinking deeper. Between "pushes", Max could feel Link feeling his back. Shit, SHIT ! Sex and tenderness, the perfect combination ! "NNNNNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he yelled again. Max was gasping very quickly. Gosh, it was so fucking amazing ! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he yelled when Link pushed the rest of his member in his ass : Link was now totally into Max. He kissed his back few times then Max could feel Link's cock removed then he felt he pushed again. "NNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And again, Link removed then pushed. After some hits, it started to slide easily; Link began to pump. "OH SHIT ! FUCK ! SHIT SHIT ! AAAAAAAHH OOOOOOOHHHHH" Max gasped again more quickly. And Link pumped, pumped, pumped. Little by little he increased the pace until to have a very speed, like a rowhammer. Max was moaning but his moan was interrupted by pumps of Link. "AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA" Link continued to pump Max during few ten of minutes until Max could hear Link groaned. He knew the climax was very near. Link contained him as long as he could but after one minute he roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" Max yelled too, he felt like if we released a fire hose inside him. He felt gallons and gallons of warmth liquid filled him. He could feel also the walls of the house shaking because of the yell of Link. The deluge lasted several minutes before to stop. At this moment, Max hadn't seen but Link well : a purple aura surrounded Max. And Link could bet that he was more muscular, it was very slightly but yeah, he seemed more ripped. Link could see a bit of his cum aside them and he saw that the cum had a slighty purple color. Is it possible that... ? "Holy fuck ! ... Link..... it was.... the most.....intense....feeling....I had feel.......of my life !!" gasped Max. Two lovers continued their session of tenderness before to fall asleep, each in arms of other. Link was the first to wake up. Max was still sleeping. Link wanted to try something : he had the impression which he had transmitted his superpower of "Malice absorption" to Max by his cum. Link had a little vial of Malice in his desk. He just hoped that he wouldn't hurt Max, especially after his amazing evening where both confessed their love for other. Link opened the vial and very slowy, he poured some on Max's back. Link was afraid during few seconds then... he saw with joy than the Malice was absorbed by Max, who moaned slowly and said in his sleep "Fuuuuck yeah Link ! Again my love, take me !". Oh fuck yeah ! He had contaminated him ! Max could grow with Malice ! Link was very happy. It was time to grow more ! But his lovers was still sleeping, and he needed to rest him. But when he will wake up, he will have a BIG surprise ! Link was going to give him a gift : he saw another pool of Malice in the dungeon of yesterday, he didn't see it because this room was hidden. Max would wake up with a titanic Link and after, they will have another amazing love session and shit, have sex was so FUCKING GOOD, especially with Max ! Link was already horny and hard just in thinking at this hot scene ! Link went out discreetly and hurried him to go in the dungeon. Usually, he took him one hour but now he went here in only 10 minutes. Link jumped above ravine, cliffs and other obstacles that he would normally circumvent. So in 10 minutes he was in front of the entrance of the dungeon. Ok, so he had to go straight ahead, then right, then left, then straight ahead and finally at left. 5 minutes later, Link was in front of the wall but this wall hadn't cracks. Link punched into one time, two times, three times. Cracks appeared but it will be harder than the last time. But Link was in hurry. He gripped the little hole he had made in the wall and tore a small piece of wall, then again, and again, and again, and again. Quickly, Link began literally to dig in the wall and after 15 minutes, he had made a big hole in the wall. Shit, he could dig in a wall to bare hands. Link watched the pool of Malice, smiled and plunged into. He forgot to remove his clothes and his armor but it doesn't matter, he was sure that he gonna become too big for them. Link moaned loudly when he felt his body begin to grow. Quickly he could hear strecthing sounds of fabric which yelled at the death, cannot contain his enormous muscle mass; Few seconds later, tearing sounds could be heard then it was the turn of his armor to confront his new muscle gorwth spurt, in a fight where the armor was sure to loose. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Bumps of his pecs became more apparent, his abs became more ripped, his shoulders inflated as balloons, his traps rose up, started to really surround his neck, his biceps/triceps became huge peaks of muscle. Then his armor abandoned the game. : it started to tear in some place and bigger Link was, more tore was the armor until finally it was completely shredded, leaving Link totally naked. Link continued to moan and to inflate slowy when suddenly his shoulders exploded without warning, gaining a lot of in size and surprising Link, who roared, then it was the turn of his traps to pass from hills to mountains, again Link roared. It was like an orgasmic explosion. Then he clenched his fists while his biceps/triceps and forearms became gigantic peaks of pure muscle. Then his pecs exploded, going from the size of a football ball to a beach ball. Then each row of his sixpack exploded out of his stomach, almost doubling in size and Link roared a fourth time when the fourth row popped, giving him now a fucking amazing eight-pack. His dick gained also in size and became more wide, it touched the bottom of his pecs and it was wider than a can. And his legs became so wide, wider than a tree trunks, and so fucking ripped, so veiny. The growth spurt lasted again few seconds and finally stopped it. Link was here, gasping, enjoying of this incredible feeling of pure power. He felt him strong before but now, he felt just surhuman, able to lift a big boulder with only one hand. He passed his hand on his amazing body, feeling and boucing his pecs, feeling his eight-pack, flexing his biceps. He felt so invincible, like a god. He didn't want but it was too much, he felt a huge pressure in his ball and then... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" He shot like a cannon, reaching without effort the ceiling. Gosh, the feeling was so... divine ! The deluge lasted at least 20 minutes; Link didn't know ho much he had shot but fuuuuuck, a good part of the ceiling and the wall was covered by cum. Link smiled, it was time to show his new body to Max ! And after they will have.... When he arrived near of the wall, he wanted try something. He walked further, here where the wall was intact. Then he clenched his fist and hit the wall. Behind the wall, few monsters walked, quietly whhen suddenly, the wall exploded; All monsters looked and their eyes widened when they had seen a 8 feet muscular titan appeared. All of them immediately moved aside, totally afraid. Link had not difficult to get out of the dungeon. He rushed towards the village and so quickly ! In only 4 minutes he had reached the village !! But something was wrong... Suddenly a inhabitant ran towards Link. "LINK... LINK !! IT'S TERRIBLE ! IT WAS.......Link ???! But.. what the.... ????!!!" He seemed very surprised by the new body of Link, especially because he didn't saw his previous size so go from the skinny Link to the 8 feet muscular Link, it was... confusing ! "...... ok, no time for questions ! It was Ganondorf, he kidnapped Max and brought him at his tower and..." When the inhabitant pronounced the name of Max, the look of Link became very very dark. And in one second he ran in direction of the Ganon's tower. This day, Link beaten every records of speed. He rushed trough the forest. A tree on his way ? He exploded it ? A big boulder blocked the way ? He lifted it and sent it in the sky. Then he passed through the cave, and when I say "through", I say trough : no time for detours, Link rushed in straight line and exploded walls with only one punch. Then it was the mountain : climbing ladders ? It takes too much time, Link jumped from cliffs to cliffs. In two minutes he was at the top of the moutain, in front of the Ganondorf's tower. He entered in the tower. Well, no time, for chest, keys and all these bullshit, he had to find Max and quickly ! Link walked straight ahead and exploded the wall with his fist. In this room, he found a Smasher. The Smasher lifted his ball and threw it on Link. But Link caught the ball with one hand and he launched it with all his might on the Smasher, who trough two walls. Link continued; At a given moment, he was on a bridge. He looked on the ceiling and saw a big platform. No time for detours, he crouches down and jumped of several ten of miles in height. He reached the platform and fell in front of Moldorm.But the battle was very short : Link caught the tail of Moldorm and started swirling it around then he threw him against the wall. He continued his way, jumped above a big ravine, destroyed few walls, lifted with one hand a big boulder which blocked the way and arrived in other mini boss room. Again ? He had other things to do, really. This time it was Blaino. He gave a few blows in the void for impressionate Link, who didn't move then Blaino prepared his mega punch. Again, Link didn't move. He hit Link in his midsection. The time seemed to be stopped during one second then...Blaino exploded ! Link's abs were really too hard for the weak fist of Blaino. Link continued his way. He passed on a very high bridge and saw below there was a gigantic room filled with Malice. He hesitated for a moment but no, he was enough powerful. But he was going to reserve a small bath for Max ! Finally, Link saw big stairs which should which were to lead to the final room. Finally ! He hoped that Max was fine. Link entered in the room and found Ganondorf and behind him, Max, who was imprisoned. "Hahahaha, finally ! Today is your last day Link !" said Ganondorf, who seemed not impressionated by the body of Link. Ganondorf generated a fire ball and launched it on Link. Usually, Link returned it in using his mastersword but now, he was powerful, very poweful. He wanted humiliate Ganondorf, made him understand he wasn't the skinny Link but a huge powerful 8 feet muscle giant and he was the stronger. ! The fire ball rushed towards him and Link returned it in using.... his dick! Yes, you have read correctly : Link not used his masterword but his dick !! Ganondorf shot several fire balls but Link returned all with his dick. Ganondorf tried to attack him with his sword but Link caught the sword with one hand and began to grip. Soon, cracks noises could be heard and few seconds later, Link broke Ganondorf's sword with only his powerful grip. Ganondorf tried to punch him. Link didn't move but smiled when the Ganondorf's fist met his eight-pack. He didn't feel anything, but for Ganondorf, it was another story. It hurt, very hurt. He tried to punch him again but Link stopped him with one hand, smiling because he surpassed him. Link punched him and even his armor, Ganondorf was in great pain. Shit ! He didn't think that it would happen like this. Beaten by this fucking Hyrulian ! But he hadn't said his last word. He had a joker, a fucking powerful joker. This fucking hyrulian would soon suffer. Oh fuck yes he would ! "Hahaha, you think you has won ? You think that's my end ? Oh no no no, you're wrong Link ! Look what I have !!!". A light shrone strongly and in front of the gerudo is appeared... the Trifoce! Shit thought Link, if he gets a hold of it, it can be bad. And unfortunately for him, he gets a hold of it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Ganondorf when he felt this incredible power trough him. "YES YES OH FUUUUUUCK YES HAHAHAHAHA THE POWER, THE ULTIMATE POWER FINALLY HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!" And his appearence started to change. His eyes became entirely red, his brown skin started to became more lighter before to take a blue tint, his hairs started to fall, his nose was starting to get longer, such as a snout. "HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO MUCH POWER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!" and Ganondord, who seemed transforming into Ganon, seemed became taller and also more... muscular ? Effectively, Link could see Ganon's arms, which were well muscular, became bigger. "YES YES I COULD FEEL IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" And soon stretching metal noises could be heard and Link could see Ganon's armor deform for to take the shape of his muscles. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" His armor was starting to tear. Link could see huge pecs under and could see what semmed to be the first row of his abs. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Ganon continued to grow, bigger and taller. Suddenly, his armor, which couldn't take more, tore on the front, letting appear two huge pecs and a set of 8 fucking muscular bricks. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And suddenly, his whole body started to swell in humongous proportions : his traps surrounded his neck, his shoulders were two fucking huge balls, his biceps/triceps were bigger than Link's head, his pecs were gigantic, his eight-pack was a fucking titanium brick wall, his legs were wider than a redwood trunk. "HAHAHAHAHAHA SO POWERFUL !!! YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DEFEAT ME !" Ganon was already a threat but now, all hope of defeating him seemed lost. Now, he was a very muscular 11 feet blue boar-like humanoid. He seemed invincible but Link must try to beat him ! He took his mastersword and attacked Ganon. Link yelled when he drew his sword on Ganon but the latter stopped it with only one hand. "HAHAHAHAHA SERIOUSLY ? You seriously think that I'm still scared by this cheap sword. So look ! LOOK MY POWER !" and Ganon gripped the mastersword. Soon, Link could see with horror than the mastersword cracked in some places. No, no he thought ! It couldn't be possible ! And unfortunately, his whole hopes were shattered when Ganon broke the sword, in smiling sadly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It was too easy ! Like I said you, now, you can't defeat me ! I'm the most powerful thing and I gonna take the control of this world ! But firstly, I'm gonna kill you Link !" In an act of despair, Link tried to hit Ganon, he clenched his fist and hit the monster in his midsection. But it was as if he had knocked in a brick wall. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It's all ? You are not able to do better ? Really ? Beause I don't feel anything HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" Link tried to hit Ganon again, and again, and again but the result was the same : the "muscle armor" of Ganon was impenetrable. He was overwhelmed. He couldn't defeat him; But no, fuck no, it couldn't be possible, there had to be a way ! "Well, this is time to show you what's the power ! It's the end Link HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" and Ganon knocked Link, and despite his good developed eight-pack, Link spat blood and fell on his knees. Ganon kicked him and Link was projected on the edge of the platform. Before he could get up, Ganon jumped very high and landed in hitting the ground and. Instantly, cracks appeared; Ganon looked Link with a very sadly smile and suddenly the corner of the platform broke and Link yelled while he was falling. "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!" yelled Max when he saw Link fall towards his death. And Ganon laughed, very loudly. Link did a big fall and fell in liquid. Instantly he felt an amazing burning so he thought that was lava but... after few seconds, it felt like... good ? Very very good even ! And he understood : holy shit, it wasn't lava, it was... A FUCKING POOL OF MALICE ! Yes, oh fuck yes, he could feel his body absorb it, he could feel his muscles grow. Oh yes, oh fuck yes ! Ganon was going to regret it ! Link started to laugh but swallowed only Malice. Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck, oh fucking fuck, it feel so... GOOOOOOOOOOD ! He could feel his traps rose up more. Shit, it felt so amazing ! His shoulders became absolutely gigantic. Oh shit, oh fuck ! His biceps and triceps exploded in mass. Holy shit, this strength, this sensation, it was so fucking good, shit ! His forearms widened more and more. Crap, Link couldn't stop to open and close his fists and fuck, it felt so good ! He could feel his pecs exploded with a huge amount of muscle. FUUUUUUUCK ! His abs started to popped out, row after row, while Link yelled with every row, and finally Link roared a fifth time : he had now an incredibly strong ten-pack; He passed his hands on them and holyyyy fuuuuuuuuuck, it was so hard, so ripped ! His legs became humongously wide and ripped. Link flexed his legs and moaned of pleasure. And above all : his cock became absolutely titanic. He wanted to came but no, not now, his powerful orgasm will be reserved for the boy he loved more anything : Max. Link grew, and grew, and grew; Shit, it felt so FUCKING AMAZING. Ganon was the most powerful ? Hahahaha the good joke ! Now, he was sure he could crush him with his little finger. Max was in tears, he had saw Link fall. Nobody couldn't survive on this fall, even Link. Ganon had won, Link was probably dead... "Link... No...no.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Max, in tear. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! It's over, your fucking friend is dead ! I have won and now my darkness reign is about to begin ! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" But suddenly... "GRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!" An enormous roar resonated, making walls shake. It was a bestial roar, from something to huge, incredibly huge. Even Ganon was very surprised, no, no, it couldn't be this... Suddenly the other corner of the platform exploded literally, really like an explosion. Ganon and Max couldn't see because there was a lot of smoke. But something fell back, by shaking the ground. It seemed big, very big, no... not big, absolutely GIGANTIC, absolutely HUMONGOUS ! They could see only an enormous shadow in the smoke. "Shit !" thought Max. It couldn't be Link, this thing was too huge, really too huge ! Finally the shadow got up, more and more and more... Fuck, this thing was taller than Ganon, 14 feet maybe ! And finally, Max saw the head and was totally in shock : it was the Link's head. HOLY FUCK !!!!!!!!! Max couldn't see more than his head but FUCK, he could see his gigantic traps then, little by little the smoke dissipated, revealing the amazing muscular body of Link. Yes, his traps were now big mountains, surrounding entirely his neck, his shoulders... it was so fucking HUGE ! Enormous and striated ! Max was speechless when he saw his biceps/triceps : HOLY MOTHER FUCKING GOD ! It had to be wider than him, never he could imagine that an arms could be so BIG ! It was so astonishing ! His pecs... HOLY FUCK ! Two incredible balls of pure striated muscle ! Max guessed that only one of these amazing pecs had to weight more than him ! Then Max could see first row of amazing Link's abs ans fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, there were so fucking enormous, bigger than his head ! Max could see, two...four...six...eight......ten.....TEN ? HOLY FUCK ! He never imagined it was possible (but after all, with a fucking 14 feet muscle titan, all was possible !). And shit, his obliques was so fucking ripped ! God ! And his adonis belt, fuuuuuuck ! And... HOLY FUCKING MOTHER GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH ! thought Max when he saw the humongous cock of his boyfriend. It was big, no, it was FUCKING HUGE ! Wider than his two arms glued together ! And holy fuuuuuck ! Look these legs ! Quads were absolutely humongous, so muscular and so ripped, and so veinous and fuuuuck look these calves, he could guess they were bigger than his head. Max was drooling in front of this incredible muscular god, and this god was his boyfriend ! This perfect view on the most sexiest thing he had seen in his life made him cum instantly. He was so absorbed by this amazing scene that he forgot all about the current situation. Ganon seemed irritated ; how this fucking bastard have survived ? And how this fucking bastard had grown so much ? "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!! I don't know how you has survived or how you grew like that but if you think you can defeat me, you are WRONG ! I have the triforce of power ! I'm the king king of darkness ! And you gonna DIE !!!". Ganon used his powers for to take his trident and threw it with all his might towards Link. "LOOK OUT LINK !" yelled Max. His boyfriend was perhaps now a 14 feet muscular titan, but it was Ganondorf, well, no, it was Ganon and fuck, but this trident could pierce several walls ! But Link didn't move. He was just walking with a determined look. And fuck but each of his steps made the ground shake. Then the trident hit him in his abs. To the surprise of Max and Ganon, it didn't pierce Link, at contrary, the spikes bent when they met Link's ten-pack. The trident fell on the ground while Link continued slowy his walk, like an unstoppable tank and still with his determined look. Ganon seemed more irritated, if he thought it wouldn't be sufficient for to defeat Link, he really believed it would hurt him. Fucking shit, after all, he had the triforce of power ! "GRRRRRRRRRRR TAKE THAT HYRULIAN BASTARD !!!" Ganon launched a big fire ball. Shit thought Max, it was enough for to disintegrate someone ! But, one more time, Link didn't nothing, he was only walking, made the ground shake with each steps. He took the fire ball and an gigantic explosion occured. Ganon yelled of joy, it was simply impossible he is not killed or at least, injured. Max had a frightening moment but suddenly, an enormous legs went out of smoke and hit the ground with an unbelievable power. Then the of the Link's body followed, without a single stratch. "NOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Ganon. We could hear the angry but also the frustration and the despair. But fuck, he had the triforce of power, he had to be stronger than this fucking bastard ! It couldn't be otherwise !!! "YOU THINK YOU SCARE ME ?! YOU THINK YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN ME ?! YOU GONNA SEE !!" and Ganon jumped for to hit him. Again, Link didn't try to dodge. Even, just before Ganon hit him, Max could see a small smile. Ganon hit him on the side of his head. Shit thought Max, the power of this hit was phenomenal, enough for to kill anyone in one shot ! But... Link had just moved his head of an inch and smiled more, as if he hadn't feel anything. When Ganon touched the ground, he clenched his fist and hit Link in his midsection. Again, the power of this punch was sufficient for to pierce a people but in the case of Link, only a crack could be heard. Max didn't know if Ganon had broken bones or if it was his bones. But few seconds later, Max could see Ganon took his hand away and wince. Holy shit ! He had just broken his fist on fucking incredibly hard abs of Link !! Max could see Ganon was mad of rage : all muscles were flexed, veins pulsed on the surface. Then, in a black anger, Ganon threw a flood of punches on Link, who took tens, no, hundreds of blows. But Link still didn't move. Even, in the middle of the deluge, he yawned strongly. This time it was clear, Ganon was totally surpassed. Ganon, in rage, stepped back and lifted one of enormous gold statues. He threw it on Link. Shit, one of these statues had to weigh several tons. Link clenched his fist, hit the statue and exploded it into hundreds of pieces; Ganon threw other statues but Link explosed each of them. Totally in rage, Ganon turned, saw Max and threw a fire ball on him. Max narrowly avoided the fire ball. At this moment, the look of Link was no longer determined, no, he was angry, no, furious, really really furious. Nobody touches Max, NOBODY !!! He clenched his fist and rushed on Ganon, who turned and just had the time the fist on Link go into his stomach. But if Ganon had broken his fist on Link's abs, Link had no difficulty for pulverize the eight-pack of monster. Ganon felt the biggest pain of his life. During few seconds, time seemed to be stopped, Max could see the amazing punch of Link shattered Ganon's abs and the monster, very surprised by the power of his hit, spit out even a little blood. And then Max saw Ganon projected at an unimaginable speed, go trought the wall, which was, however, very thick and disappear in sky. Holy shit ! Link had to project him on several hundred of miles. And it was over : Link had defeat Ganon, no, he had pulverized him !! "LINK !!!" yelled Max, in joy to join his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around of Link's legs and began to cry. "I thought I'd never see you again !". Link stopped down and posed his hand on Max's head. "But... how... how are you became so big ?" said Max in posing one of his hands on Link's abs. Shit he thought, one of his fucking enormous brick was bigger than his hand. And the hardness... GOSH !! Not surprising that Ganon broke his hand ! Max became very very very horny while he caressed his ten-pack. Quickly Link could hear Max moaning and see him shoot several loads. But few moments later Max seemed a little sad. "Link, you are the most fucking amazing sexiest thing I have seen of my life... but... now, you are too big for me, really too big. We won't be able to do anything more; I mean, if we tried, I'm sure you crushed me instantly. I'm an ant compared to you". And then, Link got up and he signalled to Max to follow him. Max didn't understand why but he followed him. Fuck, the ground shaked with every step. Link was really a fucking titan. Finally, they arrived in a room, but not any room : THE room ! In front of them, there was... a fucking pool of Malice, no, a fucking SEA of Malice. It was enough for to grow Max at the same height of Link, maybe more. "But, why did you bring me here ? It's just a giant room with a lot of Malice. And you know like me that this substance is very very dangerous !" Link approached from the edge and would dip his hand in Malice. "LINK !! ARE YOU CRAZY ???" yelled Max. But Link looked him, smiled and did a sign to look. He plunged his hand and removed it for to show it to Max, who could see the substance slowy disappear, like if it was... absorbed ? Max heard Link moaned "LINK, ARE YOU OKAY ?" he said, verry worried. But Link looked him with a big smile. Then he pointed Max then the Malice. "WHAT ?? YOU MEAN YOU WOULD LIKE THAT I..." and Link nodded. "But...but...why...how...but..." Max didn't understand, usually Malice did hurt to Link but here, it was as if Link... absorbed the Malice and as if he... enjoyed that ? But, it hadn't no sense ! Max was in his thought when he felt one big hand catch him... "Link ? What are you doiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ???????????" he yelled when Link threw him in middle of the room, into the Malice !! SPLASH ! Quickly, he rose to the surface and yelled : "LINK !!!! ARE YOU CRAZY ??? WHY DID YOU DO THAT ??? I...I....I...I...feel good ?!! But...but..." And Max watched his hands, and like Link, he saw the Malice to be absored by his hand. "Wh...wh...what the...?!" and Max focused on the feeling : "I didn't hurt, no, it felt... good... really good, like if he was loaded with energy... and what was a pleasant feeling of warmth intensified quickly and became more a burning. Max watched his hands and could see veins appear and... yeah.... of fuck yeah... his hands became slowy bigger and... his forearms too. Oh fuck ! In fact it was his whole body which grew ! Max began to gasp and sweat. He looked Link who was watching him with a big smile. "So...oooooohh....it was...nnngggghhhh....true...it was....aaaaaaahhh Malice which....OH FUCK !" Max felt an enormous pressure in his whole body, he could feel his whole body grow. And he didn't just feel it, he could hear it : stretch sounds could be heard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Max, who reached quickly the appearance of a gymnast. His forearms were ripped, his arms became muscular but not yet big, his shoulders became round, we could see slighty traps, his pecs started to appear and below a good sixpack started to show it but not yet really bulged. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH NGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Max laughed, enjoying every second because each second his body became more muscular, more powerful and he could feel it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Ten secons later, he reached the stage of the teen bodybuilder : his forearms were really developed, his biceps and triceps had a good peak of muscle, his shoulders were canonballs, his traps rose, his pecs were muscular, his sixpack was six boulders implanted under his skin and his chest had a good shape of V. Max gasped louder when his eyed widened... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" he yelled. Link could hear Max's voice became really deep, almost inhuman. He could see Max yelled while his body grew to reach another stage. His clothes were in agony and started to tear. Shit, Max was now bigger than a pro bodybuilder, he was so muscular. Big arms, huge shoulders, traps which surrounded his neck, huge pecs, abs really bulged and ripped. And he was taller, probably 7 feet. Suddenly Max grimaced strongly and roared like he never roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" His whole body seemed have "muscle explosions", his big biceps became enormous, his traps rose up more to the point that Max had almost no neck, his pecs exploded, gaining a lot of size, Link could see Max's abs stretching and suddenly, Max roared when the first row exploded out of his stomach, doubling in size, then the second, and the third and Max roared a last time while a fourth row popped out from nothing, giving him a incredibly ripped and strong eight-pack. And now, Link could see his quads, which were so fucking ripped, so wide. And obviously, his fucking incredible cock, which was widder than a can. Max was now almost 9 feet tall. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! OH FUCK LINK, IT'S SO AMAZAING, NO, IT'S SO HOLY MOTHER FUCKING AMAZING !!! IT'S FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA !!!" And Link knew it was not over, Max was soon to overtake him. He will join him at that moment. Link could hear Max moaning very louder and see that Max absorbed a huge quantity of Malice. The next growth spurt will be titanic ! On the side of Max, he had only just recovered from his latest grow spurt that he could feel his body absorbed more and more Malice. He felt like a balloon that was inflated again and again. Then, at some point, nothing more but Max knew it was the calm before the storm. And the storm came ! "OOOOOOOOHH .... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!" Max roared like he never roared. He roared so loudly than pieces of ceiling fell. Followed a series of "muscle growth spurts" and Max quickly gained in bulk and size. His whole body became absolutely titanic, like Link ; his biceps became mountains of muscle, just like his traps, his shoulders were planetoid, his pecs were just titanic, his eight-pack exploded into a fucking muscular and ripped ten-pack, his legs became wider than a redwood trunks and so fucking ripped. And his cock was simply monstrous ! And he gained wickly in tall : 10 feet... 11 feet...12 feet...13 feet ! And finally, Max reached an amazing 14 feet, like Link. Max was totally in a trance, never he imagined he could have a power like that ! He felt as he could lift mountains, literally. His body felt like it was a continous orgasm. Suddenly, he heard a big "SPLASH" ; Link had joined him. In walking, Link moaned while his body absorbed Malice. Finally he reached Max, two smiled at each other and kissed, in feeling each bulges of their unbelievable muscular body. Gosh thought Max, this feeling to growing in kissing Link was so divine. At a given time, the feeling was too much and two have broken the kiss and moaned loudly. There was no words enough strong for to describe their muscle growth, it was titanic. Seconds after seconds, Link and Max gained several hundred pounds of pure muscle, from titan they became gods ! They gained in size : 15 feet... 16.....17....18. Finally, they absorbed what was left of Malice and felt an unbelievable pressure. Two widened their eyes, there is a second of pure silence and then the tower was shaken by the two biggest roars. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Link and Max became absolutely titanic : arms were bigger than their old body, their shoulder were so fucking incredibly huge, their traps could compared at mount Everest, their pecs were of gargantuan size, their unbelievable ten-pack grew more, row exploded one by one and like previously, a new row popped under, giving now an astonishing enormous, ripped, strong, deep twelve-pack, and their legs were wider than their previous body. Max and Link were not titan, they were gods ! They didn't feel just powerful, they had a infinite power. Even the power of Ganon, who was the most powerful thing in the world after them, seemed so ridiculous now. Link had more power in his little finger than in whole body of Ganon. And fuck, they were so tall : probably 20 feet ! Link and Max gasped during few minutes, it was the most powerful feelings they had felt of their life. Then Max watched Link and smiled : the moment he had been waiting for had come. Max threw him on Link, kissed him, feeling every bulges of his incredibly muscular body. After few ten of seconds, Max broken the kiss and Link smiled then he turned back, giving his fabulous muscular ass to his boyfriend. Max began to kiss the amazing muscular back of Link, feeling his traps, his delts, feeling his pecs and crevices and mountains of his abs. And finally he entered into him. Link roared like a beast, so loud than walls shaken. In continuing to kiss him, Max pushed more and more of dick in Link's ass. With this incredible feeling, Link put his hands in wall. Finally Max withdrew before pushing again. Link roared. Max pushed again. The cock of Link hit the wall, making a small hole. Max pushed again and again, the cock of Link hit the wall, digging it a little deeper. Link had an idea. He took his dick with one hand and positioned it in front of the hole. Every time Max pumped Link, Link pumped the wall, digging the wall. Max fucked Link while Link fucked the wall ! During next minutes, Max pumped Link, slowy at first then more quickly. Finally, Link's dick had dug a tunnel. Max continued to pump Link for several ten of minutes, increased the pace such as a rowhammer, when finally he felt a incredible pressure in his balls. "Fuuuuuuckkk... I'm......coming......soon Link ! ....... Are you...........ready ?" gasped Max. Link pushed a moan as a positive answer. Max continued as long he could, closed his eyes and clenched his teeths when finally, he couldn't hold himself back any longer. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Deluge is a word which was not enough strong for to describe the sequence. Max released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in Link's ass. And Link released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in the wall. Quickly, cracks started to appear on the wall and widened with each shot of Link. Several pieces of the ceiling fell, walls were shaking and what was a sea of Malice became little by little a sea of cum. The storm lasted more than 45 minutes, the whole wall was cracked and the old pool of Malice was now a pool of cum. When Link shot his last load, the whole wall collapsed. Holy shit ! Link had just destroyed a fucking thick wall... JUST BY CUMMING !! Max and Link was here, gasping for to recover of their most powerful sex session they had of their life. They finished this session by kiss and stroke. Max broke the kiss, watched Link and said "It was the most powerful sex I had of my life ! Fuck Link, it so FUCKING amazing, I feel me so powerful, so invincible and I'm really curious to see what we able to do. Would you like to test it ?". And Link smiled and nodded. During next hours, Ganon's tower became their playground, well, rather their land of destruction. Link started by try to walk trought walls, if previously he punched the wall, here he just walked straight ahead as if there was nothing there. Max tried the same thing and fuck, it was so funny. Max also tried to pierce the wall with his finger : it went in like butter ! In the tower, there was big gold statues of Ganondorf, one of them must weight several tons. Link lifted one with only ony hand and threw it on Max, who exploded it with a punch. Link threw another and this time, Max tried something else. He turned and hit the statue with.... his dick ! Max didn't play at baseball, he played at... dickball ! On the ground floor of the tower, Max said "The first at the top of the tower win !". Link smiled, crouches and jumped. He trought literally all floor, shattering the ceiling as if it were a sheet of paper. "..... ok you have won" said Max in laughing, then he jumped also for to join Link on the roof. "Ok now the first on the ground floor" said Max. He jumped of several feet, trought the ceiling and each floor before to reach the ground floor in making a crater. Little by little, the tower became a field of ruins. The few remaining monsters fled in front of these muscular gods. Even Ganondorf in angry wasn't so powerful. Max and Link crossed Blaino, who came back for to take his revenge but when he was in front of them, he widened his eyes, left his boxing gloves and ran away. They crossed also a Smasher, who threw his ball on Max. But Max caught the ball with his hand then crushed it in dust. Seeing that, the Smasher ran away too for save his life. In the ground floor, there was these big pillars, Max rolled his arms around and squeezed. Instantly, cracks appeared and the pillar was crushed. Fuuuuuck through Max, yesterday he wasn't able to lift his own wieght and now he crushed enormous pillar with his arms ! Holy shiiiiiiit ! Soon all objects in the tower suffers the same fate : crushed, destroyed, trample, shattered, annihilated, reduced to dust. Link and Max ended up having fun by destroying the walls of the first floor with their bare hands and obviously, the tower collapsed. But even after the destruction of the tower, they were playing with the debris. Link threw on Max pieces of several tons and Max pulverized them with a punch. Then Link jumped on Max and two started to make a friendly fight for to know which one could claim his due. They rolled over each other in crushing the debris of the tower under their humongous weight. Boulder s, statues, all was crushed in dust by the weight of these gods. Finally Max won and roared, like a cry of victory. Link turned him on his belly, giving his ass at Max. Max claimed his due : he entered in Link, who pushed a enormous roar. Shit, feelings were so FUCKING AMAZING ! Max had his eyes revolted, like Link. There was no word for to describe what they feel, it was just... divine ! Like an orgasm but multiplied by a billion ! Max pumped, and pumped, and pumped and pumped, increasing the rhythm little by little. Link was moaning of pleasure and caught some debris of the tower but he cruhed them in dust with his godly strength. Max continued for several hours. It was the best, the most powerful and the longer sex session they had of their life !! It seemed to have no end ! And Max had reached an amazing pace, he pumped more quickly than a rowhammer; Then, after an eternity, he felt a gigantic pressure in his ball, and when I said gigantic, it was gigantic. The climax was very near and what climax !! He closed his eyes, clenched his teeths and pumped as long he could and finally... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!" Their yell could be heard on several tens of miles, hundreds perhaps. Even the inhabitants of the village, which was at several tens of miles of this place, heard them. And they cum so much !!! White substance flowed from the mountain, so much that some monsters through it was an volcanic eruption (because the yell and the white substance which flowed from the top of the mountain). But no, the liquid was not lava : it was white, hot but not burning and... sticky. And it smelled also strong ! When Link and Max came back at the village, all inhabitants were speechless. Two fucking muscular 20 feet gods, it doesn't unnoticed ! It is even said that the princess flooded her panties when she saw Link. Oviously, Link and Max were too big for their old house but the villagers worshipped them as gods. So they moved in the mountain near of village (literally in the mountain ! But digging didn't take them long). Since that day they have never been attacked again, not by Ganon not by other ennemies. You had to be crazy to attack them ! They helped the inhabitants for several things : heavy boulders to move ? Crushed in one second ! Gorons dug a tunnel ? Max digged it in 2 minutes when it would have taken months. A wall to destroy ? No problem ! One day, Link passed by the shop of the shopkeeper, the one where he had stolen the potion. He got down on all fours and stuck his head out, destroying the facade a little. The shopkeeper recognized him and said "I wasn't kidding when I said pay ! Now you'll pay the ultimate price !!" and he shot a ray on Link. He felt an amazing burning but not in the wrong way, no, it felt good, it felt really really good !! Link started to moan, slighty at the beginning then louder when he felt the burning increased. And this time he was sure : he could feel his body was growing and very quickly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Link. Stretch sounds could be heard but also crackling sounds : his shoulders grew bigger and bigger and bigger and Link became so fucking wide, too wide for the facade which was little by little destroyed as he expanded. And he was taller also : 21 feet....23....26....30 feet and it continued. The shopkeeper seemed confused : usually, this ray should kill but here, he was growing and growing and growing. Why ? In addition he had modified it to incorporate Malice. Maybe it wasn't enough powerful ! The shopkeeper increased the power of the ray to the maximum. Link yelled more, the sensation was so unbelievable, it was like if the simple burning was became a nuclear bomb. And obviously, his yell exploded all windows of village. His body grew even faster, very faster ; his traps reached his ears, his shoulders were titanic, his biceps/triceps reached divine proportions, his pecs were so fucking gigantic, like previous growth, he could feel each row of his amazing twelve-pack exploded and like previous growth, a new row popped out : Link had now an impossible, incredibly fourteen-pack and his crevices became canyons, his legs was so fucking godly muscular. Then he felt that his shoulders touched each side of the shop : Link was as wide as the shop. But little problem : he didn't finish to grow !!! The walls started to make crackling sounds and for short moments, trying to resisting but few seconds later, there were sounds of tearing everywhere : the shop was literally torn apart from the inside by a unbelieavable titanic muscle mass. And Link didn't stop that, he continued to grow and grow and grow. His moans was so loud, enoughfor to shake walls of other houses. Everyone had come out and watched this titanic thing grow, in fear. Then it stopped. There was absolutely nothing left of the shopkeeper's shop, only few debris from the the roof which were still on the muscular back of Link. The inhabitants could hear a very very very loud gasp. Then this thing rise up and the last remnants of the roof were falling from his titanic back. A gigantic shadow covered the village. When Link stood, holy shit, all was so small. He was a fucking giant, I mean REALLY REALLY giant : 50 feet at least !!! The shopkeeper looked him with wide eyes, totally afraid, and said "..... ok... I didn't say anything.... Take what you want !!!!!!" in shaking. But Link was too concerned by his new humongous body. He flexed his biceps, and holy shit, look the size of this gun. And the power... Previously he already felt like a god but now... He was god of god of god. It was just so inimaginable. There was this expression "move mountains" but here, he felt like he could LITERALLY move mountains ! Link really wanted to roar but he was sure he could destroy the village only in roaring. He became just too much powerful ! Just walking made the ground shake. Suddenly, he felt, at several times, something of warm and sticky, hit him against his fucking incredible fourteen-pack and then flowed between canyons of his abs. He looked down and he saw Max, who was drooling and cumming in watching his boyfriend. Haha it was so funny, he looked like a child in front of a giant bodybuilder (yeah, a child of 20 feet and severals thousand pounds of pure muscle). Now, it was necessary to rebalance the balance so... it was the time to find another sea of Malice for Max and why not, after, have a "little" sex marathon ? (but not in the village he didn't want to drown people under a cum tsunami)
  3. brstealth13

    The Testosterone Effect (Part V)

    The Testosterone Effect Part V: Secrets Continued from: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6435-the-testosterone-effect-part-iv/ Matt was in the frat house basement, slowly crawling into the large center room, which was surrounded by makeshift barricades forming it and the private stalls he had just been in, sucking Sam off. Five other pledges also crawled out of private stalls, each one looking sheepishly nervous, wearing their own jock straps likely given to them by their own masters. The older brothers entered the room behind their pledges, standing proudly, each sporting a nice looking boner. Looking around the room at the other pledges, Matt sized up his competition. He was definitely the least muscular of the group, but he seemed to have the biggest cock based on the everyone's packages in their jocks. The lead frat brother stepped forward. "As you men know, this fraternity was founded on the ideals of masculinity and strength. We've got a long standing tradition here of being completely open and uniquely bonded to one another. If you're going to be part of this fraternity, you need to forge that bond - and strengthen it - every single day. Becoming the pure epitome of a man of Alpha Alpha is going to take time for you all... so we're going to help you. You've all been assigned a senior brother," he motioned to the men standing behind the pledges, "who has already started to guide you. But we want to size up each of you to see just how receptive you are." "It's tradition for the senior brothers to bond at least twice a week, and we're going to show you, later tonight, what that entails. And we're also going to give one of you the unique opportunity to be part of it. Whomever can prove himself most worthy by out-doing the rest of you will be invited to be part of our orgy." Fuck, Matt thought. Looking around the room, the other brothers were smoking hot, not least of all the leader, a tall, muscular asian guy. He had a completely hairless body with massive pecs and sculpted abs, and proudly showed off a nice 6.5" cock with big meaty balls hanging below. The brothers explained the rules of the contest - a double elimination bracket - once you lose, you've got one more shot at redemption, in something they called "man-wrestling." Apparently two of the pledges were to wrestle each other - in addition to moving on in the bracket, the winner would be allowed to fuck the loser and dominate him as he pleased. Matt gulped and fondled his growing bulge as his name was called for the first bout... --- Brian had been fired from his research job at the lab for gross misconduct with a subject - but it didn't matter, because he had all the data he needed. He sent Blake an e-mail: "Hi Blake, This is Brian, the researcher you... the guy from last Friday. I'd like to talk to you at my apartment if you have some free time this week. It's very critical that I speak to you regarding some data I've been analyzing from Friday. I'm over at 1124 W. Division St, Apt 4. Sincerely, Brian" Blake replied almost immediately. "Will be there Tuesday at 3 pm if that is ok Sent from my iPhone" Brian was ecstatic that Blake had replied. He immediately began making preparations for Tuesday afternoon, installing several new devices he had completed in his spare guest room. Things were about to get even more interesting for Blake... --- Matt's screams and groans echoed through the basement as the toned blonde stud who had defeated him in the very first matchup of the tournament held his head against the floor and pounded his cock into him over and over again. The victor whispered into his ear as he pumped Matt full of his hard dick. "Yeah, do you fucking like that? Fuck yeah you do, you probably lost on purpose, you're so hungry for this dick." While it did seem like he had lost on purpose, Matt truly did lose almost immediately to this blonde pledge. It happened so quickly. One minute he was grabbing the other guy's shoulders locked in a struggle, and the next he had been picked up, thrown to the mat, and pinned down hard. And now here he was... off to the side of the room, getting fucked by this other pledge - Kevin was his name - while another wrestling match raged on in the center of the room. Most of the brothers watched the wrestling, but a few stood around watching the other pairs of pledges having sex on the periphery. The cheers of the senior brothers, jeering and shouting at the fucking and wrestling matches, combined with the sounds of the pledges grunting, moaning, and pounding each other filled the room and escalated to a low uproar. Kevin continued fucking Matt for a little while before pulling out and ejaculating onto his back. "Fuck yeah," he moaned, slowly stroking cum out of his cock. "But I gotta save myself for that orgy." He stood up, slapped Matt's ass and said, "Hey man, you were hot. Gonna be good to be in this together." Matt was a little confused, but then he remembered that no matter what the outcome of the wrestling, he was still going to be Kevin's frat brother in the end. No reason to harbor a grudge... after all, they were all there to make each other better. Matt stood up and readied himself for the next match, against another one of the pledges who lost his first round, named Michael. Michael was a little taller than him, with a little more toned muscles, but a thin layer of black hair covering his chest and abs. Two huge tufts of black hair poked out of his armpits. "You just got fucked too, huh?" he asked Matt. "Yeah," Matt replied. He motioned over to Kevin. "What about you?" Michael pointed at the guy who just had his way with him, a dark-skinned guy who was sitting off to the side waiting for his next match. "He was hung like a horse," Michael laughed. "Well, good luck. No matter who wins I'm sure it'll be really hot." "Thanks, man," Michael said. Despite all the good feelings around, Matt really didn't want to get eliminated right away without winning a single match. After all, Sam pretty much made an exception for him. He wanted to show Sam he deserved to be here. Matt and Michael took their places in the center matt. The frat leader, the Asian guy, Will, blew a whistle telling them to start. Michael charged Matt and knocked him to his ass immediately, but Matt fired back, grabbing Michael's torso and pulling him down on top of him. The two boys rolled around on top of each other, struggling for dominance. They were both extremely sweaty from their previous match and from having sex, so with every move they slid and slipped over each other. Rolling around feeling each other's literally hot muscles had given each guy a half-chub in his jock, which hardened into a full erection after the men felt each other's stiffening cocks against their bodies. After about five minutes of struggling, Matt just couldn't push Michael away from him. He struggled as Michael pinned him down, and Sam counted it off "1...2...3..." and declared Michael the winner. He helped Matt up and the two men walked over to the side where Michael could claim his prize. "Hey man, that was a tough match," Michael said. "Thanks," Matt said graciously, although Michael could tell he was dejected about being the first one eliminated. "It coulda gone either way." Michael pulled the front of his jockstrap down revealing a 5.5" dick that was thicker than any of the other men's Matt had seen. "Well, at least you get to enjoy this," he smirked. Matt smiled as Michael laid down, his fat member sticking up in the air for Matt to sit on. The loser crouched down, hovering over Michael's lubed up cock, and slowly lowered himself to be impaled by the huge man meat. The two boys passionately fucked until Michael moaned loudly that he was about to come. Matt got up off his partner's dick and laid next to him on the floor, jerking his cock. As Michael let out a final moan of intense orgasm, Matt couldn't hold himself back any more either, and the two pledges simultaneously shot thick loads of cum onto each other's chest. --- Blake arrived at Brian's, ringing the bell before being let into the building. He entered the researcher's apartment. "Hey, thanks for coming," Brian said. "No problem," Blake replied. "Anything to do with this condition of mine... I want to learn everything I can about it." "And so do I," Brian answered, offering Blake a seat. This time, he actually wanted to avoid turning Blake on, at least for now. "I've been doing some independent analysis of the data we collected at the lab," Brian explained. "And I think I may be able to boost and enhance your growth." Blake's eyes widened. "WHAT!? Boost me even more!?!" Brian smiled. "So you're interested... I've got prototype apparatus set up in my guest room, if you want to try." Blake was super excited at the idea of being pumped up with testosterone even more than he already was. "Count me in! When can we start!" "How about right now..." Brian motioned to the closed door at the end of his hallway... --- About an hour after having sex with Michael, Matt was getting tired of watching the other guy's wrestle and fuck in the background. It must have been 4 am at this point - he just wanted to see this orgy and get home. Right on queue though, he realized he had witnessed the final match without realizing it - it was Michael vs. Kevin, and Michael came out victorious. Rather than fucking Kevin, Michael's prize would be to participate in the orgy, Will (the frat leader), explained. He motioned for the pledges to step to the side and to enjoy the show, then motioned the other senior brothers in. The mass of 8 men - Will, plus the 6 senior brothers, plus Michael, immediately started kissing each other, passionately rubbing each other's muscles. It didn't take long, but after a while, they each had a cock in their mouth and someone else's mouth on their own cock. The sound of gagging and sucking that filled the air drove Matt and the other pledges to jerk off. Eventually, the senior brothers split into smaller pairs or trios, and began fucking each other. Michael was in the middle of a threesome with Will and another guy who was Michael's "big brother", the three men rhythmically pounding each other and making love. After a little while long, the guy's started having their orgasms one by one, blowing their huge loads all over each other, but mostly all over Michael as he opened up his mouth and begged for his frat brother's seed. Sam extricated himself from the mass of men and approached Matt. "Hey bro, tough luck out there today. But we'll get you bigger, you'll be one of us guys soon." He put his arm around Matt and escorted him up to his room. Sam joined him in his bed, cuddling him as the big spoon. As Sam put his huge muscular bicep around Matt, however, he recognized a familiar smell... but from where? It was so strangely intoxicating, seemingly coming from Sam's armpit. As Matt drifted to sleep, he inhaled more and more of the scent, only finally realizing who it reminded him of before it was too late. --- Blake and Brian entered the guest room where the scientist had set up the new "super-growth" apparatus for Blake. The bed and dresser were pushed up against the wall. What looked like a modified sex sling hung from the ceiling, and a desk with a laptop with complicated looking calculations were at the foot of the bed. "Take off all of your clothes," Brian told Blake. "Then get in the sling." Brian quickly turned around to avoid being turned on by Blake's muscles while he got into position. He grabbed the laptop and faced the door, locking it and initiating a countdown sequence for the growth program. Blake stood at the straps hanging from the ceiling, tightening them around his wrists and legs. Once they were secure, they automatically retracted, slowly suspending him in the air. His cock started to stiffen from the kinky situation Brian put him in. "Alright," he said. "I'm in the straps." Brian turned around, almost instantly becoming turned on by the sight of this huge man tied up in front of him. As he began to disrobe himself, the computer countdown reached zero. "You and I are about to have a lot of fun..." Brian devilishly smiled. What looked like several sprinkler heads mounted on the far side of the room began hissing, filling the room with a familiar scent... To Be Continued... Author's note: Sorry it took so long for this chapter, I will try to be more frequent with updates. The plot thickens as the results of Brian's research are revealed, and meanwhile, the frat Matt is rushing evidently has a secret... Next time: see what happens as the results of Brian's experiment come to fruition
  4. centaurian

    Dungeon Keeper

    A collaboration piece I did a couple months ago, finally fully proofread. Contains the following themes: transformation, orcs, m/m, muscle growth, hair growth, musk, bondage, anal, oral, multiple scenes, clothes ripping, etc. Enjoy! A collab by Arcsrazor and Centaurian I looked at the calendar on my wall, each date X'ed off leading up to tonight. Another full moon, another night in. I sighed. Granted, I was really getting into the groove of this schedule, but it wasn't without its risks. The sound of the doorbell jolted me, a sinking feeling forming in my chest. An unforeseen risk. Maybe they would go away, but the door rang again. I checked my phone; there was still time. I decided to answer and tell them to go away. I opened up the door and there was standing Ethan. Ethan was a good friend of mine, though we hadn’t spoken recently. He was 25, about the same age as me. He had a toned, medium build body with a moderate dusting of hair. His brown hair was in its typical, neat business cut, perfectly matched with his polo and khakis. The guy never relaxes himself. "Allen, so you are home! I was beginning to think there was no point to even trying to get ahold of you." Ethan said angrily as he pushed past me. "It's like you've been avoiding my calls to see what's going on or texts for that matter. Almost like you've dropped off the face off the earth. You better damn well give me some answers as to why you are pulling this shit! I mean we haven't seen you at Softball in weeks the coach has already replaced your position on the team, I don't even see you around at the gym anymore. That used to be the one place I could always catch you. I've been missing a proper spotter dude!" After getting over the initial shock of the outburst and barging in, I get to the immediately pressing task at hand. I tried several times to interject, but Ethan just wouldn’t shut up. I finally yelled in exasperation. "Ethan! Would you shut up for two seconds! I've had a lot of stuff going on in my personal life ok? Now, we can talk about this sometime soon, but I'm busy tonight ok? So if you could-" I started trying to guide Ethan towards the door before any more time is wasted. He, of course, started resisting and shouted back, "Doing WHAT!? You are not getting off the hook that easily! If you aren't willing to explain yourself for simply writing me off you might as well consider this friendship over. I wasn't looking to take it to this point but what you are doing is straight up avoidance of your friends. You know Susan, she actually has been wondering if it's been because you've gotten caught up in drugs or something. The way you've dropped off radar so fast. She's been thinking about arranging some sort of intervention crap!” He just kept going on and on… I had to get him out of here. “It's not drugs is it Allen? Dude, are you doing steroids!!?? You are looking bigger, and you must be getting your work done somewhere else since you no longer frequent the gym." I flushed a bit. The monthly changes had come with certain permanent aspects, increased musculature being one of them. It's true that I had been avoiding the gym to avoid certain people. The sudden change in my physicality would have been a dead give-away. I felt a pulse throb through my chest, and my eyes widened. I had to get him out of here now. "Look, I'm not on anything ok? I'm just busy recently and have a lot on my plate. Can we please just talk about this later?" The veins in my arms started to bulge a bit with the heightened blood flow in my body, my push becoming a bit more forceful. But Ethan just wouldn’t give up the goddamn fight. *** "Dude watch the hands! You know steroid usage is coupled with bursts of anger. You say you aren't on anything but if that's the case then you better have some explanation more than my plate is a little full. Does my friendship mean so little to you? I mean if someone in your family died and you've needed time that would at least be something sensible but no one's heard a peep from you. It's left many of us starting to wonder if you’re even worth the time." I said, feeling incensed that he kept wanting to brush the issue aside. This was turning into a ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ ordeal, and he almost seemed like he didn’t care... or is it that he's distracted? Figuring he's more concerned with ejecting me from the premises, I decided to dig in my heels and refuse to budge. "I'm not going anywhere until we talk about this. You aren't considering the weight of the issue!" I was a bit thrown by a sudden change in his voice and demeanor. "Fine" he said in a voice slightly deeper than before, "But if you're going to stick around, you better damn well help." Before I could respond again, he grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me towards his basement door. The strength with which Allen pulled me with was frightening. He did it with such ease almost as if he was throwing a pillow across the room. Almost lifting me from my feet as he yanked me after him, I almost lost my footing trying to keep up. I was actually stunned into silence and slight confusion as to what the hell he was talking about. Upon reaching the bottom of the steps, Allen pushed me against a wall to wait while he started fiddling with something. My eyes try to process their surroundings to make sense of what was happening, slowly adjusting to the lower light. It was his basement still left unfinished; he had seemingly mentioned plans once or twice with the intent to fix it up but having never gotten around to it. Its cold cement floor the typical gray with white painted cinderblock walls that lined the room. As I began to take in the items scattered in the room, my mind was having difficulties putting the puzzle together. There were various lengths of chains strewn across the floor: some rudimentary shackles, various sized padlocks, in one of the darker corners I even spotted what looked like a wrought iron cage. Was this some sort of sex den he had brought me into? Turning my head towards him, I saw him fiddling with keys on some type of manacles that had been braced into the wall. "Allen, what the hell is all of this?" I said indignant. Not sure I wanted to understand what he had been talking about-worried that this might be taking a turn that I didn't want anything to do with. Allen seemed to struggle with his shirt-which hadn’t looked as tight a few minutes ago-and turned to me after. "I'll explain later, just help chain me up, alright? No back talk" He said in a gruffer voice, baring his teeth. His torso was already glistening with a light perspiration as he starts unlocking the device. "You seriously want me to lock you up!? Have you lost your mind?" Despite my hesitation, I moved over to assist, figuring maybe it might be safer to have him restrained for the moment while I try to get some answers. After closing the latch and backing away from him I couldn’t help but notice his straining erection having tented his pants rather obscenely. I speechlessly waited there while my mind grasped for any explanation that made sense. He gave the restraints a firm tug, keeping in place. He grunted and huffed a sigh of relief. Or was it a grunt of something else? His chest seemed to swell with every breath, muscles striating. The nipples seemed to be looking a bit off as well. "Thank... you..." He could barely seem to get words out. As I stared on, wishing somebody would start providing answers, I observed my friend's body. Perspiration seemed to be gathering across his hairy chest; his breathing was increasing, and it seemed like he was having difficulty focusing. His longer black hair hid the beads of sweat breaking out across his forehead. He had definitely gotten more buff since I had seen him last and I was kind of shocked. My eyes, mid-thought, are immediately drawn to some golden barbells that now pierced his nickel sized nipples. "Oh you've gotten piercings..." I kind of absentmindedly observed as I noted the new addition. My friend elicited a moan while he shuddered for a second. I noticed it seems like his newly displayed erection wasn't dying down, in fact it was quite the opposite. I wondered if my eyes were deceiving me as it looked like his arms started to grow. My voice trembled out of concern as I begged loudly, "Why are you having me do this? What the hell is happening!?" *** "For your... safety... Needed to lock... before-urrrgh." I grunted and snarled a bit. The change, while pleasurable, did sometimes have its elements of discomfort. Partly due to the fact that I still had my pants on. My erection throbbed uncomfortably against the tight-fitting fabric, growing increasingly more obscene in its scope. I tried a little modesty, but I knew it wouldn’t last long. I was surprised he hadn't left yet. My nipples tingled warmly from the golden metal, pulsing energy through me in matching time with the throbbing of my cock. Veins bulged across my arms as I flexed impulsively against the restraints, my biceps swelling like softballs and further, my forearms growing thicker, making the manacles a bit tight. Not helping my pants situation, I could feel my legs tremble and swell, the sound of fabric starting to strain at the seams. The quickest changes hovered around my chest, nipples pulsing a little larger and more sensitive, the off color turning a light, sickly green, and spreading over my chest. Though it would have been hard to tell with the itchy hairs increasing on my already hairy chest. "Thisss... is... a part of... me" I said through an altering mouth. My tongue danced clumsily against growing lower canines and a more defined chin. My nose flared slightly more with each huff, making my sense of smell greater. *** I was taken aback, not knowing if I should turn and run or stay out of concern for Allen. My mind screamed at me that everything I was witnessing with gaping eyes was unnatural, impossible, and while I know my mind should have been breaking from the impossibility of it, I found myself watching on. I stood astonished as I started to hear the ripping of seams, knowing how tough the seams in jeans were. Watching my friend's body swell visibly while he groaned and grunted in what can only be taken as pleasure, I stepped closer to him, wanting to observe with a better view. The front of his jeans was developing a dark spot where his pre was staining the fabric. Feeling a strange sensation, I looked down and realized I had actually gotten hard myself. My mind clearly in denial, I looked back up and notice my friend's broadening brow, his teeth seemingly sharper as two of his lower ones began to creep past his lips, extending upward and thickening into emerging tusks. A sound drew my attention to his feet where I noticed the laces starting to pop apart. My friend’s sneakers started to betray the size of the growing feet hidden inside. The leather gave an audible strain as my friend growled loudly. I almost broke a smile as the sound of stitching ripping apart filled the room, and I saw relief break across his changing face. The sides popped open on his left foot, while the toes of the shoe separated from the sole on his right. His upper body strength was growing at an alarming rate. His pectorals heaved while the skin darkened in shade, sweat matting his chest hair. Their size reminded me of the large dinner plates served at some Italian restaurants, his areolas were now at least quarter sized with the barbells piercing them still glinting in the basement light. *** The rush was incredible, no less enjoyable than the other months I experienced it. My poor shoes didn't make the struggle, but the rip and feeling of air was so satisfying. My legs almost begged to be released from the increasingly strained pants, a couple parts of the seam splitting slightly when I flexed. My chest was heavy with muscle, making it hard to see my abs harden from a decent 6-pac to a tight 8-pac. My arms developed even further, my shoulders bulging outwards as well. Were the manacles not heavy duty, I would have ripped through the restraints then and there. Every tug I gave showed off the increasing flare of my lats, turning green as with the rest of my torso. My cock ached to be freed, the tight friction not doing any favors to calm the beast. I gave a deep, masculine grunt of pleasure as more pre leaked from the tip. My balls swelled against the confines as well, heavy with testosterone and virility. My glutes flexed against their prison, two boulders of hairy flesh increasingly straining to be freed. I licked my darkening lips, navigating around my increasingly lengthened tusks. My ears tingled as they gained slight points. The green spread light in color against the skin, but older areas were darker, the nipples a darker green than the chest. I could smell Ethan as he got closer, smelling his mix of fear and... arousal. A part of me took a primal pleasure in that as I smirked. His scent, partially masked by his cologne, served to make me hornier. I would have pounced on him given the chance. At the same time, I could tell the musk emanating from me had gotten thicker. A heavy pheromone piercing the air, though not as strong as it could be. *** As I continued to take in my friend's changes visually it seemed like the air was getting thicker, almost like an invisible haze had entered the room. A smell like the light musk that lingers in a locker room simply by the repeated presence of men sweeping through it. Not unpleasant, just overtly masculine. I watched on as my buddy writhed a bit against his bindings, stretching and flexing his legs. I guessed he was trying to rid himself of the pants which I could only imagine had to be seriously getting in the way at that point. I started to hear some rips again coming from the denim fabric trapping the changes from my view. A louder rip revealed openings-one over his outer side quad and the other one wrapping around his hamstring. After pausing a second, the struggle renewed with intensity as the obvious beast between his legs struggled for release. I looked on with increasing interest, for a moment tempted to aid him, but part of me was curious to see if he was going to be able to do it on his own. I was close enough where I could reach out and touch him, but yet I stayed fixed to my post almost as if I had a deep need to bear witness. I had this growing urge to want to explore his expanding muscles, to want to feel him growing in mass right in my hands so that maybe my head could wrap around what it was actually seeing. I couldn't begin to figure out what motivating factors were possibly behind my thoughts; I was caught up in the moment and unable to leave, that much I knew. I was again drawn down to see his feet pushing out from their confines, the remnants of the leather splitting open and folding outward from the sole like an opening flower. His feet flexed in their socks, enjoying their newfound freedom. Some holes had even started to open up in the fabric as I noted how much bigger they appeared. All my mind's eye could summon as a comparison were images of the hulk's feet. They hadn't unveiled themselves totally yet. *** I licked my dark green lips, the sensations increasingly sensual. My tusks were now pronounced from my mouth, my nose flared even wider, the tip upturning. Every scent in the air became clearer still, and I got turned on by my own scent. Despite my musk’s strength, I could sense the continual arousal from Ethan. A more primal part of me chuckled, the voice deep and masculine as it rumbled from my expanded chest, as a dark part of my mind fantasized about the implications of that arousal. I could feel my ears flick as the points grew a bit longer, and my vision shifted slightly as my upper brow grew a bit more pronounced. I rotated my wrists and flexed my arms again, hands curled into fists larger than most men, with rough green palms. A thick dusting of hair covered my torso, forearms, and hands, matted with the sweat trickling from my body by the exertion of the change. My body felt hot, especially concentrated around the piercings still pulsing from my nipples. I flexed my toes and stamped my feet, ripping through the remaining fabric of the shoes and socks. That done, I gave a grunt as I took in a deep breath of air and flexed my legs harder than ever. My green tinted legs tore through more of the fabric. Jeans were such a tough material to shred, but newfound muscle proved even stronger. The seams were fully pulled apart, and one last flex of the glutes tore the waistband, the button popping off at the same time. The ruined jeans fell away to reveal huge, hairy legs, the deep green enriching my skin reaching down to the last parts of my feet. My underwear strained against the bulge formed in the front, uncommonly large. My balls also strained the fabric, swollen with virility. The fabric was soaked with a mix of sweat and pre-cum, the scent of musk getting even stronger than before. I let out a grunt of satisfaction, my hands instinctively straining to touch my bulge but not having enough reach. I let out a frustrated grunt as I strained. *** I watched with some strange sense of satisfaction as the seams burst wider apart, beginning to let his pants legs flap about his massively carved thighs and calves in his struggles as they lost their grip on him. As he gave a kind of forward thrust and a pleased grunt, the button on the front of his jeans ricocheted off my thigh. The rather large head of his cock pushed through the zipper, breaking it. It was covered in stained cotton as his briefs still clung to him. He had breached the seam near on one side of his waist from a combination of his widening hips and his growing muscular ass. It began to fall away from him like parts of a molted shell as his enlarging lower body could finally feel the air circulate around it. The aforementioned haze deepened to a fog. He stood there with his boxer briefs clinging to his massive tool tenting the sweat and pre stained fabric, the basket of it stretched by his heavy sac. He strained against his chains, trying to break free. His grunts and groans were starting to come more frequently, something must have been building. I noticed how his green pointed ears neatly framed his face with his new thickened brow line. The actual eyebrows seemed to be bushier in texture. Gruff stubble broke out all over his face and widened chin. When his eyes weren’t closed in pleasure, they had more wild look about them. They flicked around the room to take in their surroundings at an alarming pace almost in an animalistic way. His tusks thick and prominent now stood two inches above his fleshier lower lip and gave his visage a more fearsome look. His nose was stretching as he looks down at me, its shape reminding me of a pig somehow. For a second, I thought he was laughing as his chest rumbled. The nose’s upturned tip and now widening nostrils flared as he continued to breathe deeply between the increasing grunts and longer bassy groans. The fabric of his briefs became increasingly taut as his ass continued to gain mass. I found myself anticipating the unveiling, curious to see the changes that have developed. *** Even as the changes started to finalize through my body, the pulsation only seems to increase. Veins bulged on my body as my heart steadily pounded faster. My large hands groped at the chains of the restraints as I tugged, wanting the freedom, wanting to touch my large, virile body. The bonds didn't budge, but I continued to tug, flexing. My chest bulged, rippled with striations. The golden barbells almost seemed to glow from their heat-my large, dark green nipples hard and protruding. I tossed my head back, heavy black hair cascading behind as I gave a roar and grunt of power. It was a deep bellow that almost seemed to shake the room. I gritted my teeth, tusks protruding dangerously, and planted my feet into a wide stance. I flexed my legs hard, in tune with the pulses running through my body. The tingling of change lessened more and more, but it was replaced with heightened awareness of the power and sensitivity radiating from me. My heart picked up even more pace, my cock rubbing with a sweet, raw friction against my underwear. My balls strained at the fabric, desperate to escape their tight prison. I flexed my body faster, glutes and cock working hard to make that last push. My heavy chest heaved, and I let out a snarling growl. My eyes, irises turned a dark red, focused on the small man in front of me. With a deep grunt and another roar, I tilted my head back and flexed as hard as ever, every inch of my green body wet and defined. With a loud rip, my cock broke free, a green as dark as my nipples. My balls bounced into view before drawing up to my body, my cock twitching with power. Sweet release as I shot a volley of cum, thick and white across the air. I couldn’t see where it landed in my closed bliss, but the reaction from the small man gave me a clue. My balls bounced with every shot, rope after rope of cum cascading across the distance onto the man who had not left. *** I stared at my friend becoming the beast as he thrusted in earnest watching as rips continued opening through his briefs. With one final thrust and a bellowing roar it finally snapped free the waistband popping open like an overstretched rubber band. His member revealed to me was masculine art as it stood throbbing before me. His member at least ten inches long and probably a good seven inches around was massive. It was at least as thick as my wrist, and his musky smelling nuts now housed testicles that had to be the size of jumbo grade A eggs. It began launching volley after volley of arcing seed as it splatted against my chest quickly drenching my shirt. His nuts spasming in their sac as he continued to let out successive grunts expressing the thorough pleasure he was reveling in. I didn't even flinch as I stood there feeling it soak through the fabric the smell of his seed putting that heady musk directly in my face as if I had buried mine directly in his crotch. I watched as the beast came down from his high lying slack against his chains. His breath was heaving as his body remained a carved work that would make Leonardo Da Vinci’s David jealous. I figured it would take him a bit to recover as it looked like the beast was settling into a brief rest. I went over to one of the side walls to lean against it as I settled to the floor. I sat there with my mind feeling vacant. I realized I needed to do some thinking with regard to the events that had just transpired, but it was like the gears in my head had frozen and refused to turn. I sat there with my legs extended in front of me as I laid my head against the wall and found myself slowly drifting towards sleep, still covered in my friends ample deposit of cum, and I think my head found it easier to accept the descending darkness. *** After blacking out for a good remainder of the night, I slowly came to my senses. The basement was still dark, but it must have been morning. My body felt a bit sore, particularly around the wrists where I was restrained. I looked down at my body. Human... smaller... naked. The air was still warm. I stretched in my shackles, the chains clanging a bit. I heard a shifting in the corner and saw Ethan resting against the wall, his clothes crusty. I remembered him standing in front of me, certain scents... but I'd worry about that later. I called out to him. "Hey Ethan, you awake? I can't unchain myself right now since you have the keys." *** I woke up hearing Allen calling out to me. My back was sore from having been slouched against the wall. I raised my head to look over at my friend, naked and his skin flushed. I slowly started processing and realize I still had the keys from last night in my pocket. He was leaning up against the wall, his frame noticeably smaller but still well defined. He was kind of avoiding looking at me as he stood there exposed to me. I tried to figure out if he was embarrassed or what exactly he was thinking, but then again, I guess he was in the same boat. I lifted myself up from the floor walking over to him. I released him from his bonds and he gripped his wrists trying to ease some of the pain from them. I told him "You might want to get cleaned up... I'll meet you upstairs when you are ready. The thought occurred to me to leave you chained but you at least deserve to retain some dignity while you give me an explanation." With that, I turned to walk up the stairs and headed to his couch in the living room to wait. *** I mumbled out a thanks before looking around. It's then that I realized all the clothes I had on shredded, besides the shirt. I bundled it up in front of my junk and tried to get to my room quickly. "One sec" I said as I passed by the living room to mine, going into my dresser for a new set of clothes. A lot of my wardrobe had to be updated since the changes had begun, my clothes a little baggy just in case. After changing into a pair of workout shorts and a tank top, I headed into the living room. I cleared my throat. "So... about last night... how are you doing by the way? Should I uh... grab you a new shirt?" I felt flushed, a bit embarrassed. I hadn't expected my secret to get out, and now here I was. His reaction so far had been... unexpected to say the least. At least he wasn't freaking out. He responded, with some exasperation, "Well while as I've never quite experienced what happened last night I think that the shirt isn't even on the list of topics to cover. I'll wash it later! I guess what happened last night explains some of the questions I had before I even conceptualized this as a possibility. Namely the questions as to why you've been avoiding me and everyone else. So without needing to get into that lets keep things to the topic of what the hell happened last night!" I nodded my head and sit down on the arm chair in the room. I sighed, collecting my thoughts. Where to begin? "I'm not fully sure when it started. Well... a while back I was looking into getting some piercings, and I heard that nipple ones increased sensitivity. I had sat on it a while, but I found a place online and went. It was an odd place; shady, but it had good reviews, so I braved it. My piercer was a strange fellow, but it went over well, and I was left with these." I gestured to the golden barbells. "They felt fine, but during that next full moon, I basically blacked out. The pleasure emanating from the piercings was so intense... and I was caught off guard that I woke up the next morning in my trashed living room, clothes torn up. I vaguely remembered the night, and I'm glad I didn't go out and hurt somebody." I sighed deeply. "I tried to go back to the place for answers, but the place had either moved or been closed down. I was scared, but... I was also... intrigued. The change has its uh *cough* benefits..." I said, blushing a bit. "So I figured out a way to do it safely. I had a few things set up in the basement, but I've found that the cage works best. I can't reach through the bars in my... orc form. Although it's not comfortable, it works. The shackles worked surprisingly well too, and a lot more comfortable despite the wrist pain. So... there you have it. I'm a freak." *** "Man if you mean like a freak of nature don't ever think that. A freak of a different kind, well something could be said for the way you thrusted your way out of those briefs launching your jizz across the room. That was something!" I said with a blush, my mind replaying the scene. "To say a few benefits might be selling it short you looked like you enjoyed the fuck out of that! So you are looking to just contain it not get rid of it? It's that good huh?” He shrugged, giving a wry smile. "Yeah, I want to keep it. It's been a bit tough, but it's been worth it. It's even started to help me, in some respects" he said as he flexed one of his arms to himself. "I'm just glad you helped me out in time. I'm not sure what would have happened to you had I been free. I mean, my mind is still 'there', but it's on a different frequency, in a sense. More impulsive, different inclinations. You can't let anyone know about this though. Tell them I'm doing well, that I'm busy or something, but I can't let them know about me. You have to promise me, Ethan." I sat there thinking a bit trying to figure out if I am willing to sign onto this. Keeping the secret is a no brainer, because I wouldn't want to hurt my friend, but I could back away now and I guessed he would understand and respect my decision. I mean, I would hope that my friend could successfully keep all this under wraps and there would be no further risks, but then I thought about the chance encounter that happened tonight. If that was enough to throw off his cover then how could he best ensure maintaining the secret? "My silence is guaranteed. I'm mean if you aren't looking for help finding a way out of this, how can you best make sure that you can maintain there won't be a risk of discovery? I mean think about last night." *** I paused for a moment, considering. Ethan had a good point. I had managed these past few months alright, but there weren’t any guarantees. "I hadn't really considered it. Things had been fine so far, and the installation in the basement worked well. You do have a point... but what exactly are you proposing? It sounds like you have a plan? Or are you just warning me?" "It's not that I'm proposing something in as much just making sure you are taking into account the apparent risks and deterrence you might have to run to ensure your secret stays yours or only those you trust." He pauses a moment before continuing. "Allen, I mean if you think about it the best way to 'manage' something like this is to have someone to cover should anything go awry so I guess if you wanted my help I can offer it, as I doubt there might be anyone else that you can think of to help." "Hmm..." I thought for a moment. It made a lot of sense. I nodded. "You're right man. If you're willing to help out, I'll accept it. It's nice to have someone who knows now at least. And I haven't been the best friend, so thanks for not bailing." I gave a small smile, sitting up a bit taller as if a weight has been lifted. "And hey, like I said, the chains are definitely easier on the body than that tight cage. I really appreciate this man. I'll keep you up to date on the cycle. And hey, if you don't mind switching to a new locale, we can even start working out together again." *** "Okay, but only if you are paying the first quarter of my fees." It felt nice to have reconnected after so long an absence from Allen, even if this was a majorly weird way to do it. I realized, thinking to myself, that I couldn't deny some part of me had a residing interest in the change I had witnessed. Part of me had wondered if he had ever captured it to witness the full extent of it himself. I felt my face flush at the thought as I stared off out a window for a moment. He smiled wider. "Then it's settled. We'll get this all sorted out for next time. But for now, breakfast?" ---- Well, two moons later and it looked like we were finally starting to develop a routine. Allen and I would meet up for workouts a few times a month just to keep tabs before the full moon approached. On the day of, we'd usually spend the evening watching movies or some such to while away the time before moonrise. When the moment was near we'd head down to the basement. We stuck with the manacles as restraint for his comfortability as his change would start. He first tried sticking with wearing sweats figuring it would give the least resistance and I convinced him if it was comfort he was going for and since he knew I had seen the goods so to speak, he might as well just wear a pair of briefs. Each time witnessing the change it never got old. Every time was just as intense for him, and I could see why part of him didn't want to be rid of it. I was finding it harder for me to hide my arousal when it would happen. Besides the beneficial side effects it provided he certainly didn't mind. The added strength, the hairier appearance, he even suggested a few times he thought the turning was making him just naturally hornier. He equated it to his latter teen years. *** I was sitting on the couch with Ethan, finishing up a movie. The alarm on my phone went off and I stood and stretched. "Well, looks like it's that time. Shall we?" I walked over to the basement and headed down the stairs. I stripped down from my clothes, comfortable on my large frame, but nothing ready for what was to come. I stripped down to my briefs, a bit baggy on my frame to compensate. Ethan helped me into the manacles, and I gave them a tug to check their strength, as good as ever. I gave him a nod and settled in. We talked for a few minutes until the all too familiar heat started to wash over my body, pulsing from my barbells. I gave a light groan of pleasure as I flexed my hands, getting into the groove of it. My muscles flexed and pulsed with the heat as they started to slowly expand outwards. A couple beads of sweat ran down my body. A little part of my mind started to awaken as well, the more impulsive beast inside. I reflexively licked my lips in anticipation of further changes. It was easiest to just give in as quickly as possible, the changes almost rewarding me for acceptance. My body continued to grow, the green tint forming from my nipples and flowing over my increasingly sweaty chest. My breath came out heavier, the changes continuing to expand. Nostrils flared out with every breath. My cock twitched and jumped to life, balls already starting to swell heavier with virility. Part of me wished I could have restraints that let me touch my cock, but I needed the rigidity. The tool throbbed with sensitivity, rubbing against the fabric of the ever tightening briefs. *** I stood before my friend in the throes of transformation again, watching as his dick rose rigid in his briefs and swelled in size as he moaned and shuddered. His body gained mass right before my eyes. As I looked on I was tiring of feeling envious of this pleasure Allen got to experience monthly and the sheer size of his body. An urge had been growing, the same way his cock expanded and began to stretch the fabric to its limits, inside me now to want to help him physically with the change to feel him as he changes. I walked up closer to him as he strained against the manacles and placed a hand across his rippling abdominals. Growling as his facial features were changing, he barely took the time to focus on me. He gave a slight look of confusion at my approach. I hooked my fingers into the band of his briefs peeling them back over the length of his cock, letting it pop out into view as the greenish hue washed across its length. "What... what arrrre you doing?" He said, letting out a deep gasp as the fabric pulled away from his junk. It throbbed as it came in contact with the air, as if in anticipation. "E-Ethan?" He said gruffly. "Shhhh big guy, sit back and try not to worry about me so you can focus on your changes buddy." I soothingly said while I pulled his briefs past his straining thighs and let them fall to the floor. I stared down at his pulsing rod as I wrapped my hands around the length of his changing shaft. I could feel the heft and weight of him and it was rock solid. Yet despite that, his penis flexed as he grunted, and I felt his cock expanding further in my hands. Its changing girth, its increasing length as its now lime green steadily darkened towards an emerald hue. Entranced, I bought its thickening head to my mouth, his dick jumping as it felt my breath caress across his glans. That heady scent that accompanied his previous changes was starting to fill the room and I sucked the head into my waiting mouth, swirling my tongue over Allen's massive dickhead. The taste was intoxicating as the pre that had been dripping from his slit washed across my taste buds. Deeper! I was instantly compelled to try and take more of him within my mouth as I started choking on his shaft in an attempt to deep throat as much of him as I can. Cutting off my air I started to gag a bit and my eyes watered. My hands now free, I moved my left down to cup his hairy sac as they grow heavier in my hands. My right hand creeped up over his pronounced, flexing abdominals up to meaty heaving pectoral to find the barbell piercing his quarter sized nipples and squeezed it. His dick jerked within my mouth in response and he elicited a roar as I teased the beasts rising passions. *** My breathing grew heavier, and not just because of the changes. My mind was still reeling from the unexpected attention, the more primal side pushing more quickly than usual. I couldn’t even think of a proper vocal response other than the occasional groan, my mind was growing so foggy. Those times before with the thoughts... the idea of dominating over him... smelling his arousal each time... I should have seen it coming. A little drool escaped my thickening, greener lips as my body shuddered from another moan. My GOD did that nipple stimulation work me over hard. Almost as if it was quickening me along. My body flexed as Ethan took me deeper, my heels digging into the hard floor. The pleasure was so intense; I could barely focus my sight. It hadn't been this bad since the first time I changed. Breath heavy, I tried to steady my heart rate and look down. I looked over the curve of my pecs down at Ethan below me, his eyes closed as he tried desperately to take more of my cock into his mouth. My cock leaked its generous amount of pre inside of him. I blinked a few times and squinted. The lighting was a bit dimmed, but something was definitely off. Ethan's ears looked larger... pointier. As his mouth came back to the tip of my shaft, I could see a slight discoloration in his lip, a pale green as if he were wearing some kind of makeup. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening, the human in me worried, the orc in me... excited. As if an instinctual part of me knew this would happen. I tried to let out a warning, something to stop it and help my friend, but the thicker, almost softer lips wrapping themselves down my length caused me to let out a moan instead. I could feel an orgasm slowly approaching, and I knew what that will mean for my friend. "E-Ethaa-ugh" I couldn't think... *** My left hand continued working Allen's nuts as they swelled to their new size as I continued trying to down his shaft in repeated strokes. His dickhead pushed back against my tonsils as I kept trying to get my throat to open wide enough to take him fully yet to no avail. My right hand had dropped to the hilt of his pulsating shaft to stimulate the length I couldn't fit entirely within. His grunts were getting louder I knew he had to be getting closer. Things seemed to be happening faster for him during this change and I wondered in part if my ministrations had something to do with it. Allen's body thrashed wildly as it seemed torn between wanting to thrust willingly to completion or as if trying to fight me off. With my vice grip around his cock making sure each stroke provided ample sensation and suctioning mouth keeping a firm fastness to him as if I was a man dying of thirst, I continued my efforts. Something was starting to give because the beast began thrusting his hips forward with a rising desperation as my left hand felt his sac tightening. The fingers of my hand running through the bushier hair he now sported there as the musk emanated thickly from his groin. I was beginning to grunt while I was downing him intently as I yearned for his impending release. My own cock trapped in my briefs strained my pants tightly. It was starting to become uncomfortable as I needed to free myself, to be able to touch myself as my friend was reaching the summit of his transition. Dropping my hand from his nuts I began to fumble with my zipper trying to quickly release myself from the trappings so that I could grasp my own tool. I could feel the tempo change within me as I knew the arousal from bringing my friend to the brink was bringing me near erupting myself. I quickly pushed my pants down past my knees so I could balance myself on them, my hard dick bobbing in the cool air for the basement. My dick was apparently awash with pre as my passions had been rising while servicing this orcish beast. Allen was thrusting urgently into my mouth hilting me on his cock as far as I could take him and withdrawing almost fully to repeat the process. I did my best to keep my lips locked in place to avoid any possible scraping. I kept trying to take any breath I could between the strokes as I let him use me to his own ends. The beast suddenly reared back against the chains holding him roaring loudly as his dick started flexing hard in my mouth as he shoved it in and started to push back into my throat holding it there. His testicles jumped repeatedly in their sac as he started to unload down my throat. I had no resistance as I tried to refrain from choking on his massive meat as he unloaded continuing to roar throughout. Time seemed to take forever to pass as surely this must have been the heaviest ejaculation he must have ever had up until this point. *** My breath came out ragged, heavy with the exertion of my orgasm. I hadn’t experienced anything so intense since I had first transformed. It had been a while since I had direct physical contact with my cock as well in this form. My heavy, virile balls had unleashed their load, and as the remainder of my physical changes coursed over my body, the orc in me smirked. Sweat dripped from my body, hot from the pleasures that had just ensued, making the scents in the air all the stronger. My dark green skin glistened in the dim light. I snapped out of my thoughts a bit as Ethan stood up. Even without seeing differences up close, I could smell a change. The wide nostrils of my snout flared as I took in a new musk mixing with mine, though it was a tad faint. I looked into Ethan’s face as he faced me, his height a little shorter than usual in comparison given my changes. “That was…good” I grumbled out in a deep baritone, smirking a tusky grin. It was then I could really take into consideration the alteration of his form. His ears had definitely gained length, and his own nose had flared out in the beginnings of a snout. His lips, green, were thicker, and I could espy the slightest poking of tusks from the lower. Beyond that, his still brown eyes had a new look to them, even more sly and cunning than before. He shifted closer, his breath rolling over my thick chest and neck. I let out a primal groan as he gropes my sac, my cock already hardening again. I pulled hard against my restraints as I forced my head down, loosely locking lips with the changing man. I closed my eyes, my ears picking up the sound of straining shirt fabric. I could feel his body pushing outwards against mine with each passing second, the green no doubt having spread over a large amount of his face at this point and creeping down his neck. Our cocks brushed against each other, mine smearing a layer of pre against his tighter shirt. I knew what I wanted; I wanted to change him faster. The small human voice was still unsure, but it was the orc’s time to play. *** His musk was filling the air, drifting off of his body in waves laced in the sweat that graced his torso and back, still lingering from his orgasm. My body still yearned for release and my head was swimming still from the frenzy of passion when I drank down his load. Something felt different. There was an energy coursing through me as I stood in front of him, moving my hand from his nuts to his thick shaft. He was still rigid and ready despite his recent climax. He looked down grinning at me, almost sizing me up, waiting to see what I'll do next. I had to stretch up to reach him as I pressed our cocks together and grinded against him. Something within me wanted more of him, and I debated in my head as to my next course of action. I started to tease his nipple with my mouth, my tongue feeling over the texture of the barbell. As I sucked on him I felt like my arms were getting stronger. My shirt tightened over my body, the seams over my shoulders I could hear the starting to tear slowly apart. I began to climb up Allen's body, gripping the chains to his manacles as I brought my hips to straddle his, wrapping my legs around him. I pulled him in for a kiss as I slowly thrusted my tool against his abdominals. I could feel his stiff cock brush against my ass cheek as I slid against him. I was coming to the realization that my goal had been achieved. While I may not have initially sought it directly, inadvertently I had wanted to be like Allen, and it seemed that in partaking of his essence, I could feel the changes coursing through me. The level of my horniness was becoming a fevered pitch; I needed to do something to satiate the growing need that was threatening to consume me. I slid down his torso some as I made contact with his shaft. Reaching my hand backwards, I began to line up his massive tool with the crack of my rear. He was still oozing pre even now as I let him thrust some to smear it as lube between my crevices. My actions seemed to be getting a rise out of him, and he is trying to reposition himself to gain some leverage to at least control his movements. As I was wrapped around him, I moved with him so I could remain entirely in control of the situation. Allen grunted in frustration while I kissed and lapped at his neck. The fabric across my back was beginning to tear in larger openings as my new expanding muscles flexed against it while I maneuver. With my legs entwined around his hips, I sensually grinded his pulsating dick between the cheeks of my ass. I could tell Allen had a growing desire to want to penetrate me as the teasing was beginning to frustrate him. He started to give off this bassy growl that reverberated through his massive chest. Clinging to him, I raised up to position the head of his cock at the entrance without the use of my hands. It took a few tries, but when I finally lined him up correctly, I could feel the head of his dick swelling in anticipation. I began to slowly press down with the increasing weight of my body as the head of his tool started to push against the sphincter muscle to try and gain entry. Trying to pace myself, I struggled with the idea of taking the pain all at once and trying to get it over with or easing into it slowly. As tensions rose on both of our parts, I opted for the first option. I shoved my weight down on his cockhead, taking in the whole head in one thrust and just a bit past it, letting out a sound between a roar and a yell as I felt my ass like it was on fire from being breached. Allen also growled, but his was from the growing pleasure of feeling his tool engulfed from such warmth. I sat there breathing through the initial pain as I gave my ass a moment to adjust to its invader. After some of the initial pain had subsided I start to slowly bounce using gravity and my weight to try and assist in taking on the many inches of Allen's emerald rod. *** My muscles bulged with the strain I was placing against my shackles, veins bulged along my beefy green arms and shoulders. Sweat trickled down the thick forest of hairs over my body, especially now that there was such prolonged body contact. As Ethan positioned himself over my cock, I flexed it into position, pushing against his tight, still human hole (though the tint of that muscle had started turning green from the exposure to my pre). As my head pierced through the barrier, my red eyes rolled in my head as I tilted my head back, letting out a roar of pleasure. It was almost painfully tight, but that just made it all the better. As he slowly started to bounce, I could feel some slight changes occurring. His weight was starting to feel a bit heavier hanging on my frame, his ass started to swell with weight as it flexed around more and more of my cock. His hole increasingly adjusted to taking my size, though the tightness remains just right. I could feel my pre lubing the inside of his hole, allowing me to enter deeper and deeper. I could see Ethan's nipples hard against the ever straining fabric of his shirt, and I licked my lips and tusks as I contemplated teasing his tight, increasingly orc-like body. Unable to help myself, I started giving small thrusts in time to his bouncing, getting him closer to my hilt. His thighs, cinched around my waist, bulked with muscle to match his no doubt glorious and furry ass. As I felt his ass bottom out on my cock, we both let out a primal groan. He adjusted his arms, gripping onto mine to steady himself in the position. However, our combined weight and pull proved too much. My ears flicked as I hear a loud CHINK and the resistance of the chains slackened; the wall attachment points broke completely free. Eyes wide, we fell forward to a rough landing. Ethan's breath left him for a moment, but his new body took the impact better than I anticipated. Having gained control of the situation, I gave him a mischievous grin as I started to hump with steady strokes into his large, green ass, his legs splayed below. I held onto his legs until I noticed his shirt was still on. I gave a deep chuckle as I gripped the fabric with both hands, pausing my thrusts for a moment, and flexing, cleanly ripped the fabric in half. His green, furry, muscled torso was revealed, his dark green nipples pert in the exposed air. I licked my large thumbs before placing them on his nipples, rubbing lightly in a circular motion, slowly increasing the pressure. He let out a grunt of pleasure, hot breath escaping from his porcine nose as he writhed in pleasure. I picked up my thrusts again, slowly to match the pace of the nipple teasing, but both are increasing every moment. *** As Allen thrusted into me with renewed vigor, the change that was coursing through my body was only adding to the increasing pleasure from his cock up my ass and hammering my prostate. I wrapped my thickening legs around him, his ass flexing as he thrusted in harder. The grunts of his were interspersed with his panting as his pace increased his body's exertion. He licked at my neck and sucked at my earlobe as he lost himself over to his instincts willingly. The transformation was nearing its completion, and my dick was anxiously dripping, desperate for release as it ground against my partner’s flexing hard abdominals. I was losing focus, mind barely holding onto reality as the passion along with the transformation was nearing its pinnacle. The only thing I could manage was to hold on tightly as I was being swept away, adrift in a sea of flooding sensations. Out of the haze, I believe I could hear him starting to near the summit of his journey as the sounds he elicited were becoming more savage. My body started to shudder against him as I could no longer control or resist my own rising urges within me. My new emerald cock had swollen hard against him, having increased in size and girth every inch of it feels the hunching of his abs, his belly fuzz tickling my shaft as his thrusts reached a frenzied pace. The climax exploded inside of my mind as it shatters like a thousand shard of glass, intense pleasure as my cock erupted against his abs and splashed between our two bodies. I couldn’t even consciously tell if I was making a sound as my mind had trouble distinguishing the environment around me lost in the clouds of pleasure and mind numbing intensity. As I continued to eject my seed, my ass has started clutching at his shaft frantically and involuntary, but it was throwing Allen over the edge of the abyss into the freefall of his impending orgasm. The thrust started to jar my body to its foundations as I felt a warmth explode within me, his cock flexing hard inside me. Allen liberally painted my insides with his seed, claiming me in an intense act of passion as his thrusting started to stagger, his seed still shooting within me as his breath heaved from his massive chest. As his thrusting subsided, Allen stays firmly lodged within me as he collapsed in exhaustion on my frame. Despite the added weight, I could still breathe thanks to my own frame. He nestled his head in the crook of my neck, his breathing slowing into my ear. My mind was still slightly lost in the haze of the high I had felt and never achieved before now. I raised my burly arms, wrapping around him and pulling him tight against me as I welcomed his enveloping mass of muscles. The feeling of my friend in my arms as we drifted off to sleep was a very anchoring experience, making the events of this night solidify in my mind; my orc knew that I belonged to him alone. *** It was another month, another night. Some program was on the TV, not that I was paying too much mind to it. The beeper on my phone went off, signaling the few minute warning. "Well, it's that time. Shall we?" I said, smiling, looking over at Ethan on the couch with me. He was wearing a loose chain harness on his frame, courtesy of the demolished shackles of my basement. His frame had filled out a good amount over the past month thanks to his initial change. We started working out together, getting a number of stares at our progress, but I didn't care. His chest was also a bit hairier than before too, his whole ensemble so vastly different than his normal polo demeanor. While I had been initially taken aback by his advance, the situation now felt right. We stood up and I pulled off my shirt, prepping for the changes I could feel about to tingle through my body. We started walking towards the basement door, me giving his firm ass a good squeeze before we headed down the stairs. I closed and locked the door behind us. It was going to be a very good night.
  5. Part One "Ah, Henri, just the person I was looking for!" As Henri bowed to his Captain, Treville bowed in reply and as he came up added "You have to be one of the most polite Musketeers it has been my honour to have in the corps" and when whispered in Henri's ear "Just lay off it in public otherwise people might twig that you are from England!" Henri smiled and he said that he would tone it down a little, knowing that the Captain was the only member of the corps who knew his true origin. "Now, down to business" continued the Captain, "I presume that you know the Duke of Buckingham is coming to visit next week as part of his, so called, diplomacy" Henri nodded and sighed to which the Captain replied "Yes, my feelings exactly. We both know what he is doing here. He wants to be alone with the Queen for as long as possible. There are times I wish he'd just leave her alone, but, well, you can't say no to love I guess, therefore I wanted to know if you could have a word with the Ultimates for me?" "All of them, sir?" asked Henri, "but sir, I really only know the Ultimate Musketeer" "True" replied the Captain, "but well, your skills at diplomacy are renowned, after all you are the person who delivered the King's Lights back to Phillip of Spain in perfect Spanish" "And what is the message that you would like me to relay to them, sir?" smiled Henri *** "Sorry?" asked Roger, later that evening as he and Porthos were gathered at Henri's digs, "the King wants the Ultimates to greet the Duke?" "That's right" replied Henri, "you see he's had some intelligence, and it's correct intelligence, that the Duke is bisexual at best and he thinks that if he were to see the Ultimates he might lose interest in the Queen and start paying more attention with them and therefore put the King's mind at ease!" "Well" chuckled Porthos, "I don't mind showing him what the Ultimate Titan can do!" "What is the Duke like?" asked Roger to which Henri replied, "Well, let's put it this way" and began a very detailed explanation highlighting the Duke's relationship with James I of England noting that "one letter from the Duke to the King said "whether you loved me now…better than at the time which I shall never forget at Farnham, where the bed's head could not be found between the master and his dog" so make of that what you will" but as he continued Roger started to lean in and said "And he's bisexual you think?" "I am certain of it!" replied Henri *** As the Duke of Buckingham entered the courtyard of the Louvre, he was greeted by the King and Queen in person and as tradition dictated he kneeled before the King, kissed his glove, stood up, kissed the Queen on the cheek and announced himself as "His Grace, George Villers, Duke of Buckingham" As they greeted each other, Roger, now in the guise of the Ultimate Cadet looked at the Duke and whispered "He looks nothing like a dog" which was met by a glare from Henri, as the Ultimate Musketeer, as the King brought the Duke to them. "Your Grace" said the King, "these three men are the strongest and most powerful member of my Musketeers" and with that he nodded to Henri who stepped forward, towering over the Duke by a good two feet, and announced "I am the Ultimate Musketeer, the most powerful member of the corps, this is the Ultimate Titan, the strongest man ever to live in the world" and with that Porthos, as his alter ego, stepped forward, "and this is the Ultimate Cadet, a man who desires to become what we both are!" As Roger stepped forward, the Duke's eyes opened wide and as he traced out the Ultimate Cadet's pecs, he moaned "Such a work of art" and as he was led away by the King towards the Palace, the Duke turned and blew a kiss to Roger prompting Henri to chuckle "Get your coat, Roger, I think you've pulled"
  6. EcchiMultiverse

    Marvelous Man - Chapter 18

    All comments and critiques are welcomed here and on my Google Docs(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OusqXuu_0KVzTlvVXsHdaYyqEm87JNuWHQUy71lLuxM) For other chapters, I will post them on here later. But you can find the archives on my FA and Tumblr with pics included. FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ecchimultiverse/ Tumblr: http://ecchimultiverse.tumblr.com/ For first looks and more illustrations, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ecchimultiverse First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter SPECIAL THANKS TO MY PATRONS: CHRISTOPHER FLOYD, DONALD MORGAN, ANDREW L, & MAXIM All comments and critiques are welcomed here and on my Google Docs(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OusqXuu_0KVzTlvVXsHdaYyqEm87JNuWHQUy71lLuxM) For other chapters, I will post them on here later. But you can find the archives on my FA and Tumblr with pics included. FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ecchimultiverse/ Tumblr: http://ecchimultiverse.tumblr.com/ For first looks and more illustrations, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ecchimultiverse First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter SPECIAL THANKS TO MY PATRONS: CHRISTOPHER FLOYD, DONALD MORGAN, ANDREW L, & MAXIM Chapter 18: Reunion Two days had passed since Gemini visited Justice’s hometown, Sunnysville. During that period, the two only met during debriefings at the D.A.B. headquarters regarding Gilgamesh’s interrogations and fieldwork. It was always an awkward tension Justice could feel between himself and Gemini. And it seemed to increase whenever Gene talked to him in Gemini’s presence. He wished he had the answers to resolve the situation, but the crossroad of choosing “the one” had been difficult. It came to a point when he questioned if he even loved Gemini or Gene and was not just lusting after them. Thankfully, the past few days had been a helpful distraction. Currently transformed and located inside of the Barticle Troy Mall, Marvelous Man twirled into the air. The musclebound superhero activated his flight power to stay airborne for a few seconds; dodging a bolt of lightning crackling into the ground where he once stood. The floor splintered into fragments that briefly flew into the air. In retaliation to the electrical attack, Marvelous Man threw his golden wreath at the caster. The golden wreath whistled in the air, as it whirled itself towards the attacker. The assailant knocked it away with his weapons; a pair of short-handed axes with magical runes etched on them. Spurts of electricity arced through the axes, while the etched runes glowed a soft blue. Upon failure of striking the assailant, the wreath sailed back to Marvelous Man. Marvelous Man caught the projectile and stared down at the foe. The magical axe wielder was a man who looked to be about as young as eighteen. His skin had a pigmentation so dark, it was nearly black. And his body had a trim muscle tone that bulked at his back and thighs like an Olympic wrestler. The young man wore a hunter green loincloth with two leather belts. The brown belts crossed over each other in an x-pattern and sagged at his hips . It had a loop on each side as a means of acting as the short-handed axes holsters as well. Adorned on his shins and forearms were bracers made of zebra pelt, and his footwear consisted of simple, brown sandals. The young man shouted, “Come down and fight me, coward! Or is your fear of a Skeleton Lord guardian that great?” The Skeleton Lord guardian clanged his magical axes together, while he glanced about. The etched runes on the enchanted weaponry glowed a brighter intensity of soft blue light. Electrical discharge dances around the axes with more frequency, as the weapons’ blades vibrated from the loud clash. “Your so-called heroes are afraid of Zareb the-...where is everybody?” he said. The Barticle Troy Mall was completely empty; emphasized by Zareb’s comment reverberating the vacant building. Other than the Skeleton Lord guardian, the only people on the first floor with him were Marvelous Man and Octomentist. Zareb’s eyes shifted about in search of a supposed audience. Marvelous Man called out with his thoughts, “Gene, he’s figured out we got everybody evacuated. I think he’s gonna make a break for it. Is it ready yet?” “We require a few more seconds, Marvelous Man. Gemini is applying the final parts,” telepathically replied Gene. The electrical tribesman glared up at Marvelous Man before looking down at Octomentist. The female superhero, draped in her red kung fu gown, held all eight of her cybernetic arms up in a battle-ready position. Zareb flexed a confused eyebrow while seeing Octomentist transform her golden arm into a golden tendril. Octomentist then whipped her golden tentacle-like arm in an underhanded motion. The tendril darted towards Zareb; moving downwards before curving up the moment it got close to touching the ground. Upon reaching its target, the golden tentacle coiled around the electrified axe in the supervillain’s left hand. the tendril tightened, as Octomentist immediately placed one of her chrome-plated arms on her transformed Gold Arm. Any electricity emanating from the magical axe traveled down the conductive golden limb; only to be absorbed by the prosthetic superhero’s Lightning Arm. Zareb tugged and chopped at the golden tendril with no success. Seeing the Skeleton Lord guardian momentarily distracted, Marvelous Man flew towards the villain for an opportune surprise attack. As the musclebound superhero raised his legs for a dive kick, he instantly realized he reacted in the wrong way. He could see it all unfold in slow motion. Zareb released his caught axe, while simultaneously waving his other electrified axe in an upwards motion. An arc of magical lightning released from both axes and reached out to one another. Upon connection, the tethered axe reacted by leaping towards Octomentist. It spun like a buzz saw; wrestling away from the golden tendril’s bind. The magical axe zipped past Marvelous Man, as it drew closer to the eight-armed superhero. Releasing her Lightning Arm’s clasp over the Gold Arm, Octomentist raised her chrome arm in attempt to block. The tendril form of the Gold Arm retreated back; trying to reshape itself into a more defensive attire. The speed of the whirling axe was far greater than the Gold Arm’s shapeshifting and collided with the superhero’s Lightning Arm with a loud clang. The chrome arm had saved her twice at the same time, as it had immediately absorbed the axe’s extra discharge it gave off. The impact of the enemy’s weapon threw Octomentist backward; causing her to land on her back. As for the axe, it pierced into the ground next to her head. Marvelous Man was distracted by the commotion and miscalculated his diving kick. His legs pounded into the ground only a finger’s length away from the Skeleton Lord guardian. Tremors from the error travelled up his legs; making it momentarily feel as if his overly-muscular limbs had stepped onto a sword’s blade until it rammed into the hilt. The vibrations and shattered flooring caused Zareb to stumble back and nearly lose balance. Distracted by the blundered attack, the electrical arc connecting the two magical axes lost focus and completely severed. Zareb spat, “Cursed wretch.” The Skeleton Lord guardian turned around and proceeded to flee towards the mall’s exit. Marvelous Man activated his flight powers; his legs too shaky from the impact to do an on-foot pursuit. At the same time, Octomentist stood up. Her face looked unamused, as she sharply exhaled through her nostrils. The disk in her right shoulder socket rotated her set of chrome-plated right arms, until it located the correct cybernetic limb. She then placed the chrome arm, that was known to Marvelous Man as the Gravity Arm, on her chest and activated it. A dark aura emitted from the arm; causing Octomentist to become weightless. Leaping forward before the nulled gravity completely took over, she aimed another cybernetic arm behind her. The arm was none other than her Air Arm and activated to jet a stream of compressed air out of her palm. Octomentist reacted at the same time by assuming her body in a more aerodynamic position through leaning forward. “Gene!” shouted Marvelous Man’s thoughts. Fairuza telepathically replied, “It’ll be up in 3-2-1-!” As Zareb was about to pass a row of columns, a paper-thin wall of rainbow-like light materialized between the white columns. The electrical tribesman collided into the flimsy sheet of light as if it were a solid wall. His face and body looked as if he had smooshed up against a glass panel. “Magical barrier successful. Subject is now contained. Well done, you two!” said Fairuza. Marvelous Man flew towards the trapped Zareb, but was cut off by Octomentist. With the Air Arm providing propulsion, the eight-armed superhero zipped past Marvelous Man before he could accelerate. Octomentist crashed into Zareb’s back in less than a second and tumbled to the floor. The electric tribesman slid down to the floor after the sudden compression; momentarily knocking the air out of his lungs. Zareb then pushed himself up, while using his axe as a prop. At the same time, Octomentist deactivated the Gravity Arm and Air Arm; ending the martial artist’s ability to fly. The prosthetic superhero then braced for landing and rolled herself back onto her feet. With all eight arms flexing into an intimidating pose, she was back to being battle ready. As Marvelous Man began to catch up to the two fighters, Zareb held out his axe. The magical weapon shot out its bolt of lightning in an attempt to reconnect to its fallen twin. Sailing past the two superheroes without interference, the electric bolt bonded with the axe stuck into the ground. The Skeleton Lord guardian then pulled back the electrified axe in his hand; signaling the other one to react. The musclebound superhero turned to watch the magical axe yanked itself from the floor and flew back to its twin. It began its usual spinning motion; slicing through the air at such a rate that the blade blurred. While flying back to Zareb, the electrified weapon slightly altered its course. The axe flew a wide distance around Marvelous Man; keeping outside of the hulking bodybuilder’s reach. It then began to curve itself towards Octomentist’s exposed back, and Marvelous Man was helpless to stop it in time. Marvelous Man screamed, “NO!!!” The Skeleton Lord guardian grinned ravenously, as the mystical axed was nearly an arm’s length away from murderously grinding into Octomentist’s back. The eight-armed superhero took a step forward and immediately spun around in a counterclockwise motion. Reaching out with her Lightning Arm, she perfectly timed her revolution and grabbed the electrified axe by the handle. As she completed a full rotation, she swung the magical weapon into Zareb’s right shoulder. The electric tribesman sank to the floor once again with the electrical current between the axes cutting off. “Daughter of blight!” he cursed. Dropping the magical axe in his hand, Zareb flinched in pain. The Skeleton Lord guardian rose a shaky hand towards his axe-embedded shoulder, as the blue light emanating from his enchanted weapons died. Streams of blood slowly seeped from the wound; drifting down the midnight skin. Octomentist huffed, “Shut up. It’s only a flesh wound. Just be glad I didn’t decide to hit your arteries after trying to pull that boomerang shit on me.” The prosthetic superhero turned to look at Marvelous Man. “Hey, Naked Justice. Before you patch him up, let me just do one more thing,” she requested. While twisting her waist back towards the wounded Skeleton Lord guardian, Octomentist formed her hands into a fist. She struck Zareb with four chrome-plated right hooks with each attacking different areas of the enemy’s left side: the temple, ear, cheek, and jaw. Upon quadruple impact, the electrical tribesman slumped face first onto the ground and into unconsciousness. Octomentist shook her right hands, “Okay, now you can do it.” Marvelous Man silently hovered over to the unconscious Zareb and landed next to the foe. He commanded the light within himself to flow to his hands in preparation for healing. The light within him obeyed and began illuminating the bodybuilder’s meaty hands. Placing one hand next to the wound, Marvelous Man placed his other on the magical axe’s handle. The musclebound superhero took a breath to brace himself for what he would do next and began to feed his light. He recalled the happy memories of Papa Ares giving him ice cream and cookies for breakfast the day after Ares caused him to dislocate his knee. Pulling out the weapon with a quick yank, Marvelous Man commanded his light to begin healing. The light complied and extended itself over the wound. Seconds ticked by as the wound slowly sealed itself up, and the bloody stream came to a gradual stop. With the job done, the hulking bodybuilder deactivated his power and stood up. “He’s stablized for now. I didn’t heal his concussion, because I’m pretty sure he’d wake up before we could contain him,” he reported. Marvelous Man called out with his thoughts, “Gene, can you turn off the barrier? We got the guardian.” “I acknowledge,” telepathically replied Gene. The translucent barrier began to dissipate, while Octomentist fished her chrome hand into her belt pouch. Pulling it out a second later, her hand revealed a flat device within its grasp. The eight-armed hero then pressed a button on the gadget’s center and tossed it onto the unconscious Zareb. Upon landing, the device beeped before fastening itself on the back of the Skeleton Lord guardian. The machine began to leak metallic threads that lengthened and coiled about the enemy. Footsteps from beyond the pillars could be heard, as the expanding threads had completely mummified the enemy. Once bundled up, the device emitting the metallic threads beeped again and emitted a dark glow similar to Octomentist’s Gravity Arm. The bounded being then floated off the ground and hovered at the same level as Marvelous Man’s knees. Octomentist smiled, “Thanks for the assist, Naked Justice. It’s always interesting when I’m teaming up with you. Gotta say that you are just a magnet for weird. Well, see ya.” As she began to leave, one of her chrome arms reached out to grab the levitating perpetrator. She silently dragged the detained subject behind her, while the echoing footsteps grew closer. A thought crossed Marvelous Man’s mind. “Oh, hey. I think we need him. He’s related to the Skeleton Lord case that you helped us with last time...well, him and the knight your team caught yesterday,” spoke up Marvelous Man. The musclebound superhero thought back to yesterday’s ordeal. Marvelous Man and his team received an order to investigate a new supervillain that had appeared in the city. It was a man in an overly-decorated knight armor wielding a glaive polearm with designs similar to the weapon used by the Skeleton Lord. The supervillain proclaimed its loyalty to the Skeleton Lord while attacking civilians. There were no fatalities, but many were injured with sliced wounds. When Marvelous Man and the others arrived at the scene, the knight had already been defeated by Octomentist and was being transported back to the Arkos Division headquarters. Octomentist stopped, “Big man, I’d like to help you out, but I can’t. Arkos Division needs the wins it can get if we want to get some more funding.” “Oh, please! Arkos Division has their finger in nearly every technological pie. I know they can recoup any loss of funding the Nemesis Branch steals,” said a male electronic voice. The two superheroes turned their heads to spot Gemini and Gene walking towards them. The Soulem was now garbed with a few more accessories for field duty; a pair of red-framed glasses and a brown messenger bag with the D.A.B. logo printed on it. Gene frowned, “And to reiterate Marvelous Man’s statement, we need him. The D.A.B. and the Skyway City police need that guardian for questioning in regards to his relations to the Skeleton Lord.” “And the police can question him when they get their subpoena. But for now, he’ll be kept at our headquarters where we can keep him safely contained,” coldly replied Octomentist. Gemini’s mood rings transformed to orange. He rolled his eyes, “Let’s not dive into that bullshit, alright? You guys can only handle all the sci-fi stuff. Every time you guys tried to put the supernatural or magical shit in your prisons, it would pretty much literally blow up in your faces. I should know. I’ve witnessed it a couple times.” The Soulem pointed his white, rubbery finger at the encased perpetrator. “He’s a magical being, okay? We really need him. You can poke and prod the knight all you want, but this one stays with us. Or did you not notice the lightning bolts coming out of him?” stated Gemini. Octomentist snapped her fingers, “Thanks for reminding me. I gotta confiscate those axes. Huh…” As the eight-armed superhero moved to search for the magical axes, she paused. The others looked to where she gazed and spotted the rune-etched weapons already disintegrating into the usual black smoke the Skeleton Lord used for forming weaponry. The axes had already decayed halfway; any attempt to preserve them would be a fruitless endeavor. “Well that takes care of that,” she shrugged, “Look, I was the first on the scene here, and that gives Arkos first dibs. I can’t deny you guys from visiting him, since the D.A.B. is involved with the police this time. But that doesn’t mean I can hand him over. If you don’t like the rules, take it up with a congressman.” Marvelous Man could hear Fairuza speaking into his head. “Unfortunately, she’s right. We’re going to have to let her go with this one,” reported Fairuza. The men said nothing. Marvelous Man could not argue at all, since he had no idea what the rules and bureaucracy surrounding the situation were. With nobody to question Octomentist, the prosthetic superhero left with the bounded suspect in tow. Marvelous Man consoled, “At least we saved the day.” “Yeah, but one of our leads got taken away,” complained Gemini. Gene crossed his arms, “Marvelous Man is correct. What is important is that we saved the day and mitigated any further disaster to the fellow civilians of the grand shopping mall. We still have the Gilgamesh locked in our headquarters, and he is by far the worst of the three.” “Yeah, I guess so,” sighed Gemini. Gene frowned, “However, I do feel the worries at how easily these recent victories were achieved without the help of higher ranked individuals. If their purpose was to strike fear into the common man of Skyway City, they did not try hard enough.” “I am also bothered that there might be another guardian biding their time to appear again. I will immediately return to headquarters and review our previous encounter with the Skeleton Lord. Marvelous Man, perhaps you should see if any of the evacuated civilians need any medical attention,” he continued. Marvelous Man nodded, “Yeah, sure. I can do that.” The bunny demigod turned to Gemini. “Gemini, I believe you can help us by requesting the police to submit the subpoena for visitation rights. We must question the other two guardians the Arkos Division have incarcerated at their headquarters,” suggested Gene. Gemini looked away, “That’s not what I’m here for, but whatever. You’re apparently the boss, I guess.” Marvelous Man glared down at the Soulem, as Gene frowned. “Because you are new, I will excuse your rudeness for now. Be advised that you should be kinder to your teammates, and you WILL respect a man of the royal Totochtin lineage. Do you understand?” stated the Totochtin prince. The musclebound superhero could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise, as the noticeable tension between Gene and Gemini grew. It was a conflict between the two men he loved, but he could not bring himself to decide on a side to pick. The Soulem’s digital eyes dueled with the bunny demigod’s for a moment before flicking away. Gemini sighed, “Fine.” The Totochtin prince did not reply to the bulky Soulem’s impolite response and proceeded towards the mall’s exit. The hulking bodybuilder and his Soulem friend said nothing and continued to watch Gene leave. The sound of Gene’s footsteps echoed heavily in the empty mall. Once it seemed that the rabbit superhero had left the building, Marvelous Man turned his gaze back towards Gemini. The embarrassment Marvelous Man felt towards Gemini’s remarks was now replaced with anger. The color on Gemini’s mood rings had returned back to white, as the Soulem looked up at Marvelous Man. “THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!” roared Marvelous Man. The husky Soulem slightly cringed, as his mood rings had flashed to yellow. His eyes narrowed in surprise to Marvelous Man’s outburst; as if Gemini were a deer caught in the headlights. He hesitated, “Wh-what? I’m not his robot butler. He can ride my dick for all I care. Besides, he should be respecting me. I’m the one that drew the symbols incantating a barrier. All he did was use his energy as a power source.” “Don’t act like that’s what this is about! I’m okay with you shitting all over me. I deserve some of that. But not Gene, alright? You don’t get treat him like that,” said Marvelous Man. Gemini fired back, “He doesn’t treat you right either! You’re just another conquest for him. I don’t get how you can still love him. I’m the better choice!” Marvelous Man stared down at Gemini in bewilderment. He opened his perfect lips before pausing. He could feel another emotional tirade bubbling up along with his eyes becoming flushed with tears, but he did not want anybody to witness it. Remembering his D.A.B. shoulder patch kept him telepathically connected to his other team members, he slid his jacket off. As his black leather jacket hit the ground, the bitter taste of his true feelings came tumbling out. “...What happened to you, Gem? You got that new body, and it changed you for the worst. You’re so mean and selfish now whenever you don’t get your way...What happened to my friend, Gem?” he teared. He continued, “I thought...I thought I could make this work. I get that you’re dealing with new emotions and stuff. So I thought that I just wait it out a bit for you to come to your senses, and then we’d figure out this...complicated stuff. But you’re being a dickasaurus rex, man.” “Wha-no! Don’t say that…” said Gemini. Marvelous Man snapped, “But you are! How can I know that you’re right for me when you keep pressuring me to choose you. You kept talking about trying to understand me a couple days ago, but I don’t think you really get me. It’s hard for me to choose...But I think you’ve made it easier for me.” Gemini could only gape at Marvelous Man’s lecture, as his mood rings shifted to blue. Marvelous Man looked at the ground before turning away from Gemini. The musclebound superhero headed further into the mall; trying to get further away from Gemini seeing tears ready to stream down. “Justice…” whimpered Gemini. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thumping his colossal body around a couple more corners, Marvelous Man began to slow down. He felt he had put enough distance between himself and the Soulem and started to look for a place to sit. Spotting a wooden bench a small distance away, he lumbered towards it. The hulking bodybuilder sat himself down on the bench and hugged himself. Marvelous Man wiped his cheeks; removing the streams of tears moving down his face. He felt so many sensations when saying how he felt about Gemini. It felt toxic and blocky. His mouth was feeling wet and bloated, while his throat felt lumpy and dry. Marvelous Man told himself he needed to calm down. He reasoned that the people outside of the mall might need his healing powers, and heroes don’t have time to cry when people need help. A voice spoke behind him, “Hey, slag. Been a while.” Marvelous Man froze. It was a familiar voice that he had not heard in a while. It was deep, male voice that carried a stereotypical cockneyed accent. It was a voice that came from none other than his first and humiliating encounter with a supervillain. Spring up from the bench, Marvelous Man quickly spun around. He glared at the last person he expected to see today. He confirmed, “PB&J Gang…” “Yeah, that’s us. I see you’re trying topless style this time,” smiled the peanut butter villain. Marvelous Man took another look at the sandwich spread foe. The first time they met each other, the PB&J Gang were five sentient creatures that would fuse into one being. The leader of the gang was a round, rectangular being made of peanut butter. Its underlings were four gelatin beings that took the color and flavor of different fruit jams: Strawberry, Grape, Blueberry, and Raspberry. They were currently combined with the leader as the torso and head, and the jam-like followers taking the form of the limbs. With the peanut butter leader being the head, his face was fully formed to look like a carved jack-o-lantern with a soft yellow light glowing within. It also had small horns pointing out of its head; dull but still menacing to viewers. Yet, there was something odd about the PB&J Gang that Marvelous Man noticed. Marvelous Man inquired, “Hey, wasn’t there five of you?” The peanut butter leader frowned. It was obvious to anybody that the combined version of the PB&J Gang appeared to be incomplete. They had the legs, but there was an arm-shaped jelly limb missing from the merged person. “Yeah, Strawberry’s been taken...And it’s why I’m here,” he sighed, “I really didn’t want it to be like this, but...I don’t got a choice in the matter if I want him back...Really sorry about this, mate.” Holding up his grape-flavored jelly arm, the PB&J Gang clenched his only fist. The gelatin being then motioned his fist to open as if it were trying to mimic an explosion. The sandwich spread supervillain said nothing as seconds ticked by. Marvelous Man took up a fighting stance, “What’re you…?” A gurgling noise echoed from the bodybuilder’s stomach. Marvelous Man could feel something beginning to build up inside of himself. It felt like he had just eaten a light lunch. But then it started to change; feeling the light lunch become a full meal. The pressure in his stomach increased to the point of overeating pain starting to develop. Marvelous Man hunched over to grab his abdomen. “Ack! Wha-what did you do to my stomach?!” he gasped. The PB&J Gang slowly walked towards him. His face was not exhibiting any pleasure at his actions. He explained, “Do you remember when we first met, mate? My crew and I were having our jollies robbing the bank, and you showed up trying to be all big and impressive. I graped your face, and you swallowed some of it. Now luckily, you never bothered to get yourself checked. Which made tracking all the easier.” “And funny thing about our biology, we can force ourselves to grow. So we never get digested. All this time, you had a piece of us in you, ya slag. We’re like that myth about gum staying in you for seven years. Only we can do it forever. And what you’re feeling right now, that’s us growing way faster than you can digest,” continued the PB&J Gang. Marvelous Man’s stomach groaned louder, as the hulking bodybuilder could feel his belly start to expand. His own abdomen was beginning to slightly swell against his arm. Marvelous Man then felt a sensation of something coming up his throat like acid reflux. He could taste grape jelly in his mouth. The musclebound superhero shouted, “...!!!” Marvelous Man stood there shocked before trying to scream for Gemini. Nothing he tried to yell was being vocalized; as if someone pressed the mute button on his voice box. The bodybuilder gripped his throat, as he realized the inside of it was still coated in grape jelly. Now standing only a step away the muscle demigod, the PB&J Gang thrusted an underhanded punch at Marvelous Man’s swollen belly. A surge of purple gelatin erupted from Marvelous Man’s mouth, as the overly-muscular bodybuilder fell to the ground. He laid there; crippled in pain. “Can’t let you call out your friends, Naked Justice. At least not yet. When I get Strawberry back, then you can call out to your friends with your spells or communicators or whatever. I’m beggin’ ya. Just play along for now,” said the PB&J Gang. Marvelous Man’s eyes widened with renewed hope. He thought as hard as he could to mentally call out for his teammates. Realization hit immediately upon realizing that he left his jacket on the other side of the mall. It was the only thing that carried the D.A.B. magical communicator patch. The only solution to that problem would be to clasp his golden bracelets together, transform into Justice, and then switch back to being Marvelous Man with a new black leather jacket equipped. It was a risk that could work...if it was not for his transformation being voice activated. Hope crashed into the pits of his jelly-filled stomach with full comprehension that there was no way out of this situation. The PB&J Gang enlarged their purple gelatin hand big enough to pick up an adult human. Wrapping his wet fingers around Marvelous Man’s hulking body, they only managed to grip half of the giant anatomy. The sandwich spread being lifted the muscle demigod before laying the front side of the bodybuilder onto his peanut butter back. The overly-meaty limbs of Marvelous Man sunk into the peanut butter substance like quicksand. Marvelous Man panicked and tried to thrash about; fearing complete engulfment and suffocation. As he tried to struggle, it only increased the pain in his stretched stomach. The overstuffed belly had limited his movements and caused his mighty arms and legs to be incapable of budging effectively within the thick entity. In a last ditch effort, the muscle demigod activated his flight power. He managed to gain some lift, but the peanut butter back reacted to the escape attempt by flexing. Clenching down, the smooth peanut butter surface had transformed into a muscular back filled with deep valleys and large cords that any muscle enthusiast would be jealous of. Marvelous Man was being pulled down once again; feeling like light unable to escape the immense gravity of a black hole. The PB&J Gang sighed, “Settle down, mate! I’m not trying to kill ya. Just trying to keep you from escaping. I need you alive anyways if I want to make the trade.” Marvelous Man ceased his movement. There was something interesting about what the PB&J Gang had been trying to tell him. He wondered who was holding their friend at ransom. With his body relaxed, Marvelous Man slid deeper into muscular, peanut butter back. The sinking finally came to a halt; just as the bodybuilder’s inflated gut was pressing into the muscled backside and the connecting joints were about to be immersed. The muscle demigod was glad that he was no longer being merged into the supervillain. But the situation was now incredibly uncomfortable due to his overstuffed stomach. Locked into place with the PB&J’s hard, muscular back pressed heavily against his belly, it felt like he was being punched at an excruciatingly slow pace. “Oh, right. I guess I better tell you who’s making me do this,” mentioned the PB&J Gang, “It’s that new guy that’s been on the telly for a bit. You and the D.A.B. have been fighting him. Calls himself the Skeleton Lord.” Marvelous Man’s eyes grew wide again. The sandwich spread supervillain continued, “Yeah, he’s one fucker I don’t want to tangle with again. The crew and I didn’t know it was him when we tried to prank him. Thought he was some homeless guy. Turns out he’s got that weird power with that black smoke and making bones just shoot out of him. He was able to do other stuff that I never seen anybody else do, but I don’t even know how to describe it.” “...But the one thing that’s got me proper scared is that he said he knows how to kill us for good. And I can tell that he is a man that doesn’t see the point of lying. I ain’t taking that chance with my own kin,” he finished. Marvelous Man’s heartbeat pounded at a rapid pace. The Skeleton Lord had a motive but kept doing things with no decipherable pattern to it. Marvelous Man thought back to what Gene had said about the previous guardians being too easy. If there was a fourth guardian or any sort of intelligence he could gather about the Skeleton Lord, this might be his only chance. The PB&J Gang turned to the mall’s alternate exit, but then paused. He scratched his chin, “Now that I said all that out loud...it’s probably better if your friends find you faster...I’ll just leave a trail. They should be smart enough to figure it out. Plenty of cameras here to spot us anyways.” The sandwich spread supervillain resumed marching towards the alternate exit while leaving behind a gelatin footprint with every step. Marvelous Man felt a drop of renewed hope that everything would work out. He could also feel that the growing grape jelly within him had reached his intestines and were inflating to max capacity. The bodybuilder was glad he had practiced with extreme-sized sex toys, as his body was accustomed to feeling full in the bowels and being extraneously stretched there. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After being transported outside the mall, Marvelous Man was snuck into the sewers through a large manhole. The muscle demigod obliged to the PB&J Gang’s request and illuminated himself to light their way. He lost track of the many turns his sticky captor made, and he was at a loss of what part of the city he was in. Time seemed to drone on, as the nasty stench within the sewers faded from Marvelous Man’s senses. While being carried to the Skeleton Lord’s location, the hulking bodybuilder endured the PB&J Gang’s ramblings on the many mischievous adventures the gelatin supervillain had. Every now and then, the PB&J Gang would go back to how they met the Skeleton Lord. Marvelous Man eventually managed to put the small tidbits of information together and came at a conclusion. The PB&J Gang had stumbled upon the Skeleton Lord huddled underneath a highway overpass by a drainage system. They attempted to steal the Skeleton Lord’s cloak out of sheer dickery. The ancient evil did not find this action humorous and retaliated. The Skeleton Lord had been feeding on the rats in the area and was able to sever the Strawberry arm from the combined PB&J Gang. The Skeleton Lord held Strawberry at ransom and had them do two things. The first was to find an area full of misfits that would never attempt to contact any police or superheroes and use it as a new hiding place for the Skeleton Lord. And the second was to bring Marvelous Man to the new hiding place. With the end of the journey seemingly near, Marvelous Man noticed the PB&J Gang turning towards a metal door and not another tunnel. The sandwich spread being pushed open the door to reveal another tunnel. Upon crossing over to the new area, Marvelous Man considered they were no longer in the sewers. A stale breeze flowed past muscle demigod, as he observed a set of metal tracks lined across the tunnel. The PB&J Gang then walked down the dimly lit tunnel before turning into a clearing. Marvelous Man gasped at the familiar surroundings. The clearing was a concrete dome stained in splatters of dark red. Lined against the walls were rubles of the makeshift homes destroyed by Marvelous Man’s encounter with the Skeleton Lord. Lines were beginning to connect in the musclebound superhero’s head, yet no solid conclusion could be found. The Skeleton Lord’s new hideout was somewhere in the ghettos outside of the Ridgemont subway station. But for what purpose would the Skeleton Lord come back to the area the supervillain was discovered at? The gelatin being continued moving through the clearing and up the stairs. Upon breaking through the subway entrance, daylight casted itself on the two. The buildings before them were just as Marvelous Man remembered them; forgotten architectures rotten and gored of most of their interior. The PB&J Gang wandered further into the ghetto, as Marvelous Man kept watch for any suspicious activity. Chunks of time passed, as the supervillain meandered through the many bend and turning into different streets. The PB&J Gang finally came to a halt, as the gelatin being looked at the structure in front of the two. It was a two-story townhouse that was hidden behind the alley of two boarded stores. It barely had any blue paint left on its ruined husk, and whatever windows that were not broken had cracked panes. The air surrounding the structure not only carried the scent of a dead home but also its residents. “Brace yourself, mate. It’s really ugly in there. The sods been feeding but hasn’t dealt with disposing the scraps...you’ll see what I mean,” said the PB&J Gang. The sandwich spread supervillain twisted the knob and pushed forward. As it fully opened, Marvelous Man could only see blackness inside without any signs of light or electricity. The stench of decaying flesh and wood increased, as the PB&J Gang entered the townhouse. Marvelous Man could no longer handle the foul odor and began to lower his face closer to the peanut butter back. The hulking bodybuilder was slightly alleviated by the gelatinous being’s peanut butter scent mixing in with the rotting stink. Activating his illuminating powers, Marvelous Man’s light carved through the darkness to reveal the source of the death stench. The muscle demigod spotted corpses of humans and transpecies propped against the walls and flurries of flies buzzing about. As his captor moved through the house to a set of stairs at the end of the hall, Marvelous Man could see that the dead had different times of death. Some had recently died with colors still flushed on their skin, and others were past rigor mortis and had begun to bloat and leak rotting fluids. The PB&J Gang muttered, “And this is why you don’t do drugs or let supernatural things into your body.” Marvelous Man looked at the limbs of the corpses they passed by, while his captor proceed up a staircase. He observed syringe injection scars and crudely-made magical seal tattoos on the forearms. There were also runic designs painted in red on the skin; some cracked but still recent. A memory of what the PB&J Gang told him earlier about the Skeleton Lord’s first ransom demand lit up in his mind. “Find an area full of misfits that would never attempt to contact any police or superheroes and use it as a new hiding place for the Skeleton Lord”. The musclebound superhero had seen enough crime dramas to figure out this townhouse’s recent purpose before becoming the Skeleton Lord’s new hideout. Reaching the top of the steps, the PB&J Gang now stood in the hallway of the second floor. There were three doors; one on the left and right side and one at the end of the hallway. The doors on the sides of the hallway were open, but the door at the end remained closed. Realizing the Skeleton Lord is most likely behind that door, Marvelous Man’s heart rate began to escalate. It dawned on the musclebound superhero that this was his last window of opportunity to escape. Every instinct in Marvelous Man told him to run, but his resolve was stronger. The muscle demigod remained still, as his captor carried him through the hallway. The PB&J Gang’s pace was slow and seemed to drone on for eternity. Yet it was only the span of seconds before reaching the end of the hallway. Placing a grape jelly hand on the knob, the PB&J Gang slowly opened the door with a low creak. The noise of cartoon sound effects softly echoed in the air. The walls and ceiling were covered in the same whisping black smoke the Skeleton Lord expels. Barely cutting through the darkness was the dim orange light of a lit candle; resting on the ground. Marvelous Man could see a molded mattress nearly turning black and lying dangerously close to the flaming candle. There was also a human-like figure slightly depressing into it; dressed only in a red cloak with a bulging hood. Marvelous Man’s breathe ceased, as he came to a realization of who it was. The Skeleton Lord did not pay the two any attention upon entering his room. He appeared enamored with a smartphone in his hand; the screen’s light shining against the red hood. As he swiped his peach-pigmented index finger across the phone’s screen, the device played another soundbyte of cartoon noises and kids cheering. Seconds continued to pass, while the PB&J Gang stood there. “...H-hey, boss? I brought him,” spoke the PB&J Gang. The Skeleton Lord’s boney finger paused in midair, as the robed man looked up. Even with the phone’s light shining into his hood, darkness continued to obscure his face. The Skeleton Lord then laid his device onto the moldy mattress before standing up. He spoke, “My apologies. I was distracted by the glass tablet. The technology here is much intriguing. It really feels like yesterday for me when the common man rode on horses and not those self-driven chariots.” “But I digress, one should always knock before they enter. It is, after all, quite rude to barge into one’s room. Especially with royalty, such as I,” continued the Skeleton Lord. The PB&J bowed, “Uh, er, r-right. Sorry...my lord.” “That’s better,” replied the Skeleton Lord, “And even better is that you accomplished all that I tasked you with. You faired completely better than my other three guardians.” He sighed, “And I hear that in these times it is the third that is supposedly the charm. Though perhaps the fourth will fair better. Well, since I am in a most excellent mood, how would you like to be my fifth guardian?” Marvelous Man swallowed. This confirmed what Gene Lightfoot had been guessing. There was a fourth guardian ready to be let loose. The only problem was that he was not sure which one it was. The muscle demigod remembered in the previous fight with the Skeleton Lord, the supervillain was armed with a scythe sword and shield, a glaive polearm, and a pair of short-handed axes. The fourth weapon the Skeleton Lord used was probably used briefly before being disarmed and never registering in the heroes’ heads. “Please, m-my lord...I appreciate the offer. I really do...But...I just want my friend back, please,” declined the PB&J Gang. The Skeleton Lord scratched his chin, “Hmmm...I’d normally kill you where you stand after you slapped away my most gracious offer...BUT! We did have a deal. And a king must always honor their word. Besides, I could always find you again whenever I please.” “Allow me to secure the cargo first, and then I shall release your compatriot into your care,” he stated. The Skeleton Lord waved his hand. The whisping darkness covering the walls and ceiling stirred, as tentacles of the same material sprouted from it. The black tendrils reached out and ensnared Marvelous Man’s massive body. The ceiling tentacle cupped underneath the massive pecs, as the corner wall tentacles looped around the thunderous thighs and grappled over the mountainous shoulders and hairless armpits. Once secured around the colossal bodybuilder, the whisping tendrils pulled. The muscular peanut butter back trapping Marvelous Man showed no resistance; releasing the muscle demigod without a sound or any peanut butter residuals on the meaty limbs. After lifting the musclebound captive out of the PB&J Gang, the tentacles around the shoulders and thighs began to retreat back into the smoky walls. The wall tendrils that were returning to their dark source loosened their grasp; only to gently slide down the overly-muscular extremities. As the tentacles that traveled down Marvelous Man’s legs, it then encountered the leather black boots the musclebound superhero wore. Without any signs of resistance, the whisping black tentacles effortlessly stripped the footwear from the muscle demigod’s milk chocolate skin. The wall tendrils then reasserted their grip around Marvelous Man’s wrists and ankles, as the leather boots fell to the wooden floor with a dull thunk. The only thing left now clothing the hulking bodybuilder was the golden wreath and bracelets and the American Flag battle bikini. The ceiling tentacle, wrapped underneath the watermelon-sized pectorals, rotated Marvelous Man; situating the muscle demigod to face front towards the ceiling. It then dragged the muscle demigod to the center of the room and hanged the bodybuilder superhero at the Skeleton Lord’s waist level. The ceiling tendril released its hold over Marvelous Man’s torso and completely returned into the ceiling’s darkness, while the wall tentacles retreated further into the wall corners. With the wrists and ankles still restrained by the wall tentacles, the gargantuan limbs were pulled along with. Fearing his ligaments would be torn off, Marvelous Man attempted to struggle. His heavy body wiggled about, but he came to an eventual still seconds later. Right when his body parts were stretched at the maximum, uncomfortable point of feeling his joints dislocate, the tentacles ceased their retreat. Marvelous Man was suspended in a spread eagle position; his limbs bounded with no room to bend. The Skeleton Lord held a finger up to his unseen chin; appearing to plot something nasty if Marvelous Man could see his face. The ancient evil waved his hand and the wall tentacles reacted. The black tendrils attached to the hulking bodybuilder’s legs began to move sideways, while pulling the meaty legs further away from each other. Marvelous Man was confused at such an action, but it then became apparent as to what the supervillain was trying to do. The Skeleton Lord was trying to test the muscle demigod’s limberness just for sadistical fun. His overly-muscular legs easily spread apart but came to a thankful halt once Marvelous Man’s limbs were positioned into a perfect split. The Skeleton Lord must have realized any further could do severe harm to the musclebound superhero and ceased the whisping, dark tentacles movement. “Hmmm, impressive,” the Skeleton Lord murmured, “I would not expect a gargantuan star child to have an acrobat’s flexibility.” Marvelous Man’s frustration and fear increased, as he was tossed from one helpless state to the next. He wished he had Gene’s ability to turn this frightful situation into a sexy one. The musclebound superhero consoled himself that he could still turn the tables by activating his illumination power as a means of escaping the Skeleton Lord’s dark elements. The Skeleton Lord mentioned, “Ah, yes. I had almost forgotten about your illuminating abilities. You may not have your golden ocarina in hand, but I would be a fool to not take the precaution.” The man cloaked in red snapped his fingers. The whisping, dark tentacles shattered, as it revealed underneath its layer solid bindings made of bone. The lingering hope Marvelous Man had once again sunk back into his jelly-filled stomach. The only thing the superhero’s light could do now was reveal what specific white shade the bones probably had. “And with my requirement fulfilled...” announced the Skeleton Lord. Waving his boney hand into the air, the Skeleton Lord caused the whisping darkness in the ceiling to stir once again. A noise similar to thunder lightly rumbled, as an object fell from it. The object fell in front the PB&J Gang and crashed with a wet splat. Marvelous Man barely had time to glimpse at it, but it appeared to be a sort of gel-like substance. The PB&J Gang squatted, “...Strawberry? That you?” The object lunged at the sandwich spread being’s left shoulder; springing like an alien blob. Upon contact, the gelatin creature shapeshifted into a left arm that fitted perfectly into the peanut butter shoulder. The PB&J Gang petted the new arm. “It’s alright, love. You’re safe with us now,” he said. The PB&J Gang looked up at Marvelous Man, as he began to back away. Even though Marvelous Man could only see the gelatinous being from an upside-down perspective, the musclebound superhero could still see the frown and sadness in his eyes. He waved at the bodybuilder, “Well...I’ll let myself out. Have a nice chat, Marvelous Man.” The PB&J Gang then fell to the floor; shapeshifting into a large puddle of mixed jelly flavors and peanut butter. The shapeless mass immediately flung itself out of the room and out of Marvelous Man’s sight. With the only “ally” Marvelous Man had in Skeleton Lord’s presence gone, he slowly turned his focus back to the ancient evil. The panic in his heart had risen again. “Ah, that’s right. I had not been given the pleasure of learning your name...or the Totochtin’s for that matter. So the star child has been entitled the Marvelous Man?” hummed the Skeleton Lord. As the muscle demigod swallowed in nervousness, he realized something. The grape jelly coating the inside of his throat had receded back into his bloated belly. And the overeating pain he had been feeling during the transportation capture had also faded; he no longer had his overfilled stomach literally weighing him down. Even though Marvelous Man had been bounded and stretched without room to wiggle, he still had some sliver of chance to escape from the Skeleton Lord’s clutches. Marvelous Man answered, “Yeah...it’s what I call myself.” The Skeleton Lord walked around Marvelous Man; tracing his fingers against the rippled, muscular mass. The hulking bodybuilder shivered from the ancient evil’s touch. It felt cold and dry, and the fingers gracing upon the smooth skin tickled Marvelous Man’s nerves. And every time it seemed the supervillain’s body was about to collide with one of the bone fixtures attached to the musclebound superhero and the wall, he simply phased through it like a ghost. It was as if his own bone powers could not affect him in any negative aspect. “Hmm, such a vague name. It’s as if you are trying to convince yourself that you’re special,” he commented, “Ah, but that is not an implied insult towards you! Merely, that if someone other than you had chosen to inherit such a name, they would be such a pathetic being.” As the ancient evil rounded himself in front of Marvelous Man’s head, he stopped. The Skeleton Lord reached out with his skinny fingers and placed them upon the muscle demigod’s golden laurel wreath. He lifted the Olympian ornament from Marvelous Man’s temples with gracious ease. The Skeleton Lord held it up to his face, as he glided his fingers upon the wreath’s smooth and sharp edges. “But you...you carry it quite well. You are special. You are marvelous. You are not the strongest fighter in your party. No, your party members have made that point quite clear. YOU are the most important member. You are the healer. You help your comrades continue to fight with renewed vigor. And you assist them in areas they are weak in and unknowingly push me to my limits. I can never use my common bag of tricks with you around. Without you, they could never hope to contend with me,” he continued. Even with the Skeleton Lord so close, Marvelous Man could still not see the supervillain’s face. The bulky horse skull bulging underneath the red hood seemed to be casting its own shadow to mask any facial features. The muscle demigod did not dare use his illumination ability; for fear of angering the Skeleton Lord and most likely resulting in a quick death. Marvelous Man questioned, “And that’s why you had me kidnapped?” The Skeleton Lord tossed the golden wreath to the side of the room; curiosity apparently sated. The laurel ornament clanged onto the ground outside of Marvelous Man’s visuals. He slid a hand back into his red robe. “Mm, well, no. I wanted the Totochtin. But when that pathetic sap creature bargained for your capture instead and saying how easy it would be for them, I took the chance. Getting rid of you would make things flow much more easily. To think that all those legions of wizards and priests, and it was you that hindered me the most,” answered the Skeleton Lord. No matter what, the only thing the Skeleton Lord obsessed over other than the world’s destruction was Gene Lightfoot. Marvelous Man was aware of how after their first encounter, the Skeleton Lord seemed to have a soft spot for the Totochtin prince and never used lethal harm on Gene. He still could not figure out if it was due to Gene’s power or libido that caused such reaction. He shuddered, “So you’re going to kill me?” The Skeleton Lord cackled in a high pitched shriek. With no room to flinch, Marvelous Man could only react to the shrill noise by flexing his meaty pectorals. “I will admit, the idea did cross my mind. But no, I will not kill you. You have a mighty body that seems to mend itself. Even after Gilgamesh crushed your hand into an unusable lump. Itzcóatl made sure to report that after witnessing your other encounters with my guardians,” said the Skeleton Lord. He continued, “My intention with you is to use you as a wellspring of power for me to draw upon. Tell me, has your generation created a device for such empowering circumstances? Or do things like the glass tablet still need mana or soulbindings?” “...You mean a battery?” said Marvelous Man. The Skeleton Lord mused, “Battery?...Battery, battery, battery...a funny name, but it also sounds simple. Yes, you shall serve as my battery. I am still not at my fullest of forms and require more energy. I might not be able to attain lust energy from you, but there are other ways I can obtain what I need from you.” He knelt down to Marvelous Man’s ear; his breath spraying a putrid warmness. Marvelous Man’s head bent away in a futile attempt to keep any sort of distance between the supervillain. The musclebound superhero could sense the disgusting lips almost touching. “And while I would love to, su-su-su-su, sip on your fear, fear energy is but a droplet. And when my name was known to all living, I drank oceans,” slurped the Skeleton Lord. Standing straight up, the Skeleton Lord walked towards Marvelous Man’s burly arm. His exposed hand dragged across the muscle demigod’s shoulder, while his withdrawn hand came out of the red cloak with a curved knife crafted of bone. He declared, “Let’s start with your blood.” Marvelous Man’s eyes went wide, as he struggled. With his extremities bounded, the hulking bodybuilder could only sway his hips about in a feeble attempt to move away. The only thing that moved from the squirming was the bulge in his thin, battle bikini; lewdly flopping around. He knew now was not the right time to escape, but he did not want to be cut. Lowering the bone knife, the Skeleton Lord dragged the blade across Marvelous Man’s inner forearm. The overly-muscular superhero closed his eyes and winced; bracing for pain. As the knife slid down the forearm, it could only press into the skin without actually breaking it. The Skeleton Lord held up the bone knife for a closer examination upon discovering the failed incision. Marvelous Man slowly opened his eyes; wondering if the deed had been done. He expected it to really hurt, but it felt like he was being cut with a child’s plastic butter knife. Looking over at the supposed cut, he then breathed a sigh of relief. “It appears that without Gilgamesh’s strength, I cannot pierce through your baby-soft skin. Though I should not be surprised, since I failed to impale you the first time we met,” sighed the Skeleton Lord. Marvelous Man’s eyes flicked with confusion, “I’m...sorry?” The muscle demigod was not sure how to take the Skeleton Lord’s comment. It could be worded as a compliment, but the supervillain said it with a disappointed tone. And with Marvelous Man’s innate sense to help people, he could not help but offer an apology. “It’s alright. Though I do appreciate you being a good sport about this,” said the Skeleton Lord, “I’m afraid with your constitution, turning your blood into energy is out of the question. And you would most likely be resistant to flesh absorption magic. Alas, I suppose we will have to resort to the backup plan.” Marvelous Man held his breath. He desperately hoped the backup plan did not involve killing him. What the hulking bodybuilder did hope for was just being raped by tentacles and milked for lust energy like Gene probably would have been if kidnapped first. At this current point, Marvelous Man wished for anything but death. “And that entails having your life energy drained. You’ll barely be able to wiggle a finger, but you will still live and be stuck here as my battery,” explained the supervillain. The Skeleton Lord looked away, “I am sure he will survive. We perfected it on...what did they call themselves? Drug addicts? He can heal himself. It will be fine.” Marvelous Man glanced at where the ancient evil was staring at but saw nothing. The musclebound superhero now felt uneasy. The Skeleton Lord was already crazy for trying to destroy the world, but it became more apparent of how mentally unstable the supervillain really was. “Itzcóatl!” called the Skeleton Lord. A man’s voice immediately responded. Marvelous Man could not see him but knew the stranger came from behind the Skeleton Lord. He replied, “Yes, my lord.” “Bring me the bowl,” commanded the ancient evil. Turning his attention back to Marvelous Man, the Skeleton Lord resumed turning the muscle demigod into a living battery. The Skeleton Lord walked towards the hulking bodybuilder’s waist while dragging his unarmed hand over the valleys of muscle. Marvelous Man shuttered from the cold, tickling sensation. As the ancient evil reached the bodybuilder’s waist, he crept his molesting hand across the cobblestone abs and underneath the American flag bikini. The Skeleton Lord then grabbed the battle bikini’s side and yanked it up. With the bone knife still in his other hand, he held it underneath the gripped elastic fabric. The Skeleton Lord tugged the blade back with a quick jerk. The threads of the bikini showed no resistant; cleanly cut through by the bone knife with a quick ripping sound. With one part of it cut, the supervillain reached over to the other side of the bikini to repeat the procedure. The result was the same, as the Skeleton Lord began to peel away the sliced battle bikini in a almost ceremonious fashion. The last remnants of Marvelous Man’s clothing fell to the floor without making a sound; leaving the musclebound superhero exposed with his super package drooping in the air. Marvelous Man would feel humiliated if he were not used to having his clothes destroyed. The actual humiliation he had been feeling was being captured and helpless to the Skeleton Lord’s desires. The supervillain chuckled, “I thought it was possible you were stuffing your briefs, but I have been proven wrong. This is surely another reason if anyone else were to inherit your name as the Marvelous Man, hehe. Most impressive as a display of manhood...but I highly doubt you could sow your seed into a woman with a club such as that. And with a man of your stature, the babe would surely kill her in childbirth.” “Thanks...I guess,” said Marvelous Man. The muscle demigod felt at a loss for what to do. The Skeleton Lord’s actions felt confusing and terrifying. Struggling to prioritize, Marvelous Man tried to focus on what needed to be done. He needed more information for Gene and the D.A.B., and he needed to escape. There was no way he could fight the Skeleton Lord on his own. Unless...he tried to poison the Skeleton Lord with his own dark ability. He could keep the ancient evil incapacitated by reactivating every wound the Skeleton Lord had. It may be damaging to the superhero’s psyche, but it was the only thing he could think of. But with Marvelous Man’s current predicament, the supervillain would instantly see it and kill without hesitation. The Skeleton Lord might not be able to pierce his skin, but the supervillain might be able to do other things to kill him without damaging hulking bodybuilder’s epidermis. The most probable time to strike would have to be right when the draining begins. The only problem to the breakout rides upon the Skeleton Lord’s assistant being in the presence of the energy drain. The unseen man might have an ability to stop or kill the musclebound superhero. Marvelous Man figured that would have to wait until the opportunity arises. The overly-muscular superhero spotted something materializing next to the Skeleton Lord. The figment had transformed into a man with skin shaded as dark as mocha. His clothing was simple: a loincloth with a knot formed at the front and a hoodless cloak. Both fabrics were colored in red and outlined with teal. The colored apparel reminded Marvelous Man of the Aztec paintings of its people illustrated in the high school textbooks. Adorned on his head was a wooden headdress mask carved to look like a snake. In his hands, he carried a blue kitchen bowl. He spoke, “I have brought the bowl, my lord.” “Wonderful,” said the Skeleton Lord. The bone knife the ancient evil wielded dissolved into a whisping darkness before dissipating into nothingness. Turning to the Aztec-like man, the Skeleton Lord dipped his index and middle finger into the bowl. The supervillain stood there for a second before swiveling his body back towards Marvelous Man. Marvelous Man could see the dipped fingers coated in a red liquid, as the Skeleton Lord began applying the substance. It appeared that the supervillain was drawing something on him. Feeling that he was now on good relations with the supervillain, the musclebound superhero figured now was a good time to begin the interrogation. He gathered the courage to speak up, while the Skeleton Lord was busy finger-painting his massive body. He started, “So...is he your fourth guardian?” “Itzcóatl? Yes, he is. He is the vengeful hunter and my most loyal guardian. The other three joined me out of fear, honor-bound, and misguided whimsy that became shame. But Itzcóatl joined me for the sake of bloodlust,” clarified the Skeleton Lord. Marvelous Man felt it was a good start. This could be useful for Gene and the Demonic Authority Bureau to know, but it might not be enough to devise a countermeasure. He had to press on for more information; especially with the guardian’s ability to reappear anywhere. He questioned, “So what can he do? Teleport?” “It would be a godsend if he could. But alas, no. It is a tad more basic for a hunter like him,” hummed the Skeleton Lord. It did not seem like Marvelous Man would get anymore answers regarding Itzcóatl. If he persisted, the Skeleton Lord might lose his good favor. It was time to change topic. The hulking bodybuilder inquired, “Oh...what are you painting on me?” “I suppose it would not hurt me to tell you. I am scribing runes on you to act as a sort of...safeguard. When there is only the last drop of your life energy in you, this will activate and protect you. I do not wish for you to die an early death, after all,” said the Skeleton Lord. He looked away, “Yes, I’m sure I’m doing it right. The last few survived before we ended their miserable existence.” Marvelous Man thought back to what the Skeleton Lord said earlier. The supervillain managed to perfect something by the implication of testing it on the drug addicts. His thoughts then turned to the corpses downstairs. All the dead bodies seemed to show signs of drug abuse and probable supernatural magic for hallucinogenic purposes. There was also the recent runic designs painted onto their skin. Had they been guinea pigs for perfecting the runic safeguard? “Uh, okay. So how are you doing that bone stuff and all of this? I don’t see you using spells or magic circles. So how do you do it?” asked Marvelous Man. The Skeleton Lord moved towards Marvelous Man’s head and began to apply the red substance on the superhero’s face. The scent of the liquid paint became apparent to the muscle demigod, while the ancient evil drew runic symbols. It smelled like iron; a pungent odor that caused Marvelous Man to instantly recognize what the red paint truly was. Just like in the abandoned subway, it was blood. The supervillain replied, “That. Is a secret.” Marvelous Man was not sure how much time he had left before the preparations for his energy drain were complete. He could feel the blood on his upper body and face still wet on his skin. The hulking bodybuilder began to feel frustrated, as the Skeleton Lord moved towards his legs. None of the answers he could get did not give a direct answer towards a weakness or an element the D.A.B. could use to their advantage. Once Marvelous Man escapes, the ancient evil will flee to another location and become impossible to find. “Then...what destroyed your purpose? That’s what you said to me last time, right? What caused you to want to...turn the world into ash?” he said. The Skeleton Lord froze. Slowly turning to stare at Marvelous Man, the musclebound superhero felt a fearful chill coursing through. He hissed, “Do you think you could save me? That by trying to understand me, I will weep seas of tears and change my ways? Hmmm?” A tentacle grew from the ceiling of whisping darkness and lashed out. It coiled around Marvelous Man’s neck; strangling with the crushing strength of a python. The hulking bodybuilder tried gasping for air but could only gurgle. “All those priests and shamans that came alone in an attempt to consult me...saying the same thing. And I told them all the same thing. I. DO. NOT. CARE. I refuse to accept any change! I refuse to let my family go! I do not care that my power perverts the cycle of life and death! I was happy when everything stayed the same!...I wasn’t alone,” he shouted. The Skeleton Lord continued, “Time magic is impossible. No god, devil, or otherworldly would accept my requests. And you so-called heroes. You heroes were the cause of everything to fall apart! Always chasing and killing anything to bring glory to your name! You all made me like this! You destroyed my world! My happiness! My family!!! So that is why my purpose was destroyed! That is why I will destroy all existence!” Marvelous Man continued to struggle for breath, while his bounded body shook. He could hear his heartbeat throbbing in his head. The world felt like it was being enveloped by the Skeleton Lord’s darkness. “...My lord,” said Itzcóatl. Seconds past before the smoky tentacle relented. The tendril retreated back into the darkness covering the ceiling, while releasing its grip from around Marvelous Man’s throat. The hulking bodybuilding coughed; flooding his lungs with as much air as he could. The Skeleton Lord turned back to the overly-muscular legs and resumed painting runic symbols. The supervillain cleared his throat, “My apologies. My...passions carried me away.” Marvelous Man did not dare speak again after regaining the his breath. He allowed the Skeleton Lord to carry on painting in silence for the next few minutes, as the musclebound superhero started his escape plan. Marvelous Man closed his eyes; focusing on his fear of death, his helplessness without anybody to save him, and the hatred he wanted to feel towards the Skeleton Lord. He could feel the poison within him stirring. It wanted to feed on the negativity and hurt those who hurt the muscle demigod. After the painting was completed a minute later, the Skeleton Lord walked over to Marvelous Man’s head. He placed his bony fingers around the bodybuilder’s cranium; gripping the head gently. The Skeleton Lord slowly exhaled, as the fourth guardian placed the bowl of blood on the ground. A green aura began to glow from the Skeleton Lord’s hands and vibrate against Marvelous Man’s skull. Seeing the light, the musclebound superhero figured the draining had begun. Now was the moment to strike! Marvelous Man commanded the blackness within him to strike. The poison obliged and fed the harbored negativity. His head glowed its own dark, whisping aura; whispering its dark secrets in a hushed voice. Upon contacting the Skeleton Lord’s glowing hands, it analyzed the ancient evil’s medical history. Whatever element was helping the Skeleton Lord to be easily mended after suffering obliterating attacks had now disappeared. He was now lethally vulnerable. Mortal. The history of the supervillain’s injuries was endless. Many times did it receive deathly blows and reactivating those old wounds would instantly kill the Skeleton Lord to the extent of being atomized. There was also mental trauma, but few had healed or remained repressed. Something else caught Marvelous Man’s attention. Within the Skeleton Lord, there existed two more beings. One was a horse, but it seemed to be anchored to the equine skull bulging underneath the supervillain’s red hood. The other seemed broken at a first glance, but a continued look at it revealed it was incomplete. The strange entity seemed to have the quality of a familiar imp but it was still different. The musclebound superhero needed the poison to analyze it more; it was an odd curiosity. Marvelous Man then felt a tingling sensation in his head; similar to a pins and needles tingling whenever there was low blood circulation. The musclebound superhero cursed at his error. He had been distracted for too long that his energy was already being drained. Marvelous Man commanded the poison to reactivate all of the Skeleton Lord’s old wounds. The muscle demigod felt no response from the blackness; only the increasing tingling sensation traveling down his neck. A terrible realization hit the hulking bodybuilder. The poison he sent out had been absorbed into energy for the Skeleton Lord. As a last ditch effort, Marvelous Man commanded the light within himself to shine as bright as it could. He could feel the pins and needles tingling now encompassed his humongous pectorals, while the light obeyed. The light glowed, but it too had become affected by the supervillain’s energy drain. Its brightness was less intense than the room’s candlelight. The muscle demigod’s illumination could only keep lit for a few seconds before being absorbed; fueling the Skeleton Lord even further. With his last window of opportunity shut before him, Marvelous Man felt at loss of what to do now. It became harder to breathe, as his meaty chest was now paralyzed and can no longer heave or flex. The draining process has currently spread the tingling sensation over his abdomen; shallowing the bodybuilder’s breathing even further. The muscle demigod’s body gave off one last act of reflexive defiance against the energy drain. It engorged its sexual muscle with as much blood as it could. The defiant penis throbbed with life; straining to reach the ceiling and flexing its large veins hidden underneath the skin. As the energy drain passed over the rebellious erection, it could only momentarily stand proud before crumbling and losing all vigor to the Skeleton Lord’s hideous action. It would now only take seconds before the hulking bodybuilder’s overly-muscular legs to be taken over. Marvelous man’s thighs flexed wildly in a sad attempt to shake off the drain’s progress, until the paralyzing effect had fully struck. “I had expected your giant body to have double or perhaps triple the amount of energy a common man would have,” spoke the Skeleton Lord, “But you...you have so much more. I had expected a rich well and have found a lake. I wonder if the legendary Mana Stones had this much power in them?” Marvelous Man could not reply even if he had wanted to. His vocal cords had long been overcomed by the nefarious energy drain, and the pins and needles sensation had now reached his toes. The mighty superhero was now completely powerless. Too weak to move any muscle, and the dwindling hope of being rescued had been buried. “Rejoice, hero. For I will not have to prey on any miscreants outside of this city’s security for sustenance. I only need you for energy. Be happy at your newfound purpose, my Mana Stone. My battery,” taunted the Skeleton Lord. The hulking bodybuilder stared up at his captor; trying to catch a glimpse at the Skeleton Lord’s face. The ancient evil still had the red hood casting a shadow and shielding any sort of facial recognition. Marvelous Man tried to feel furious at how he could never see the supervillain’s true face, but his senses began to skew. The room felt like it had started to spin, while his mind felt dizzy. His vision began to blacken; just like when he was strangled. Sweat perspired all over the muscle demigod’s body, while his skin had taken on a clammy texture. The painted runes began to glow a dim red light that slowly grew in intensity. Marvelous Man struggled a final thought before losing consciousness. He prayed, “Papa, mom, dad...I’m sorry. I failed. I’m so scared...I don’t want to die here.” Next Chapter
  7. CardiMuscleman

    The Titan's Gift

    Part One "Hail the conquering hero" smiled Henri as Porthos trotted into Musketeer Headquarters adding "So, are you the strongest man in Europe?" Porthos simply smiled as he dismounted and as he did, flexed his arm for the cadet who he considered a brother. As Henri wrapped his hands around the bulging arm, he nodded and at the same time sighed saying "I know it's pure wishful thinking, but, I hope one day I shall be able to do the same!" Porthos rubbed the cadet's head with his hand saying "You will, my lad, it just takes time!" and with that Henri led Porthos's horse back to the stables. As Porthos watched his friend, he knew that Henri was a good lad. He's joined the corps as a cadet six months previously, on a secret mission from the Duke of Buckingham, to establish how much of the Duke's dalliances with the Queen were public knowledge in France, but in those six months his honour, his bravery and his swordplay were never in doubt. What was in doubt was Henri's sense that he would never be more than a tiny cog in the wheel that was the corps, and yet on numerous occasions Porthos could see just a glimmer, especially when Henri got angry, of what the lad was capable of. That's why he had entered the competition because he knew that the winner would receive a prize greater than any number of livres, a prize that was whispered by everyone who took part, the fabled Amulet of Athelstan. The amulet, forged in the time of dark magic, was crafted for the ancient King of the Britons in an attempt to prevent the Vikings from constantly invading his nation. Whoever was in possession of it would, on the word of command, drain the strength and power from the most powerful person within fifty yards of the owner. And now, he was in the possession of it. But Porthos wasn't going to use it for himself, no, he was going to be the victim of it, and as he imagined the pain of his strength and power surging out of him, he started to moan. All that was needed was the right recipient of that power and that recipient completely unware of the Titan's designs on him. "So, Sandy" smiled Henri as he took the saddle of Porthos's horse, "did you have a nice time in Bavaria then?" The horse, named for it's colour, nodded and neighed as Henri brushed him down. Of all of the cadets, Henri was the most in tune with the horses of the corps and on several occasions, it was almost as if Henri could understand every sound they made. As he continued to brush the horse, the two seemed engaged in a conversation and seemed to be recounting Porthos's triumph in the contest to find the strongest man in Europe. Giving Sandy a final brush down, Henri smiled "There, fit for when the Titan rides again!" and turned around to find Porthos standing next to him with a smile on his face. "Ah" smiled Henri, picking up the saddle, "are you to ride again?" and was about to place it on Sandy when he knocked out cold by a right hook that seemed to come from nowhere. As Porthos caught the cadet in his arms and picked him up, he started to moan. Moans that became more amplified as he entered the headquarters and started to make his way down into the dungeons and by the time he reached the deepest and darkest dungeons the moans were now easily heard. "Oh, Henri" Porthos moaned, "you are going to love this!"
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